Jenkins or Vazquez. Pick your poison!
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  1. #1

    Jenkins or Vazquez. Pick your poison!

    After searching high and low John Rivera finally found the two worse turds in our department and he has incorporated them into high positions at the PBA.
    Representing the African Americans here is John Jenkins, a proven liar, charlatan and lazy ass who has never done a day's work in this department but has wooed supervisors to buying into his web of lies. I would not be surprised if the answers for those promotional exams he took were given to him by the PRker/Patterson gang.
    Then, there is Carlos Vasquez representing the Hispanics. This cup cake has cheated our department since day one. Spending most of his work time in private businesses to enrich himself while on duty. A recycled buffoon from the Alvarez/Vecin era brought back to screw us over.
    If you think either one of these opportunists cares about you or me I have some Everglades land I want to sell you. Thank Rivera for turning the PBA into his personal fiefdom.

  2. #2
    Look at what this guy did to his wife & real kids. Humiakted Her infront of Everyone & will do the Same to the PBA! A proven disgrace to every Man who has a Daughter. Tha Guys is a Dirtbag. Rumor has it even screwed his buddy’s wife & 33 down south. His wife stayed & he served her Divorce papers while on Vacation with boys. Has no clue in Contracts or Union. Great Choice people!!

  3. #3
    Please he isn’t all that!!! He must have promised/lied to get laid. My Sgt pointed out 2 of the chics he messed with & the Are Greasy Slushes, And his wife can do so much better & is Blinded by Love. He is very inappropriate and brushes it off by calling it Friendly, NO it’s Sexual Harrassment!! All those little outings where he acts like he working! And YES he will tarnish the PBA!

  4. #4


    Vasquez in HPOA’s pocket & is A Suck up.
    Jenkins is a Scumbag with no Human side.
    The guy is going straight to Hell. He has no Valies! Both poison!!

  5. #5
    Jenkins is a huge dirtbag! I wouldn't be surprised if he has cheated on his wife with a few dudes!

  6. #6


    Two snakes have enter the PBA building please be aware they are venenous and the pot bellie wants to continue in charge instead of allowing someone else to take over with new ideas. He’s been there way too long is time for a change. Everyone go out and vote and think of your future don’t trust this administration at all. Vote for somebody new.

  7. #7
    JENKINS is the biggest, most disgusting definition of a Man. Karma is a Bit*h!! How could we even consider such a Slineball.

  8. #8
    How Can desperate Can you be? What good Can come from either of ten. One will make it Cafecito hour & the other will have his 33 up in that office. What disgrace of the PBA. Can’t we nominate someone else? Why would we plac mi Ethics in a position like this? Papo Vásquez a suck up, hypocrite & Jenkins the know it all, Corrupt & Disgrace to he Badge.

  9. #9
    Both detrimental to PBA, JENKINS 100% both crap. Karma comes full circle

  10. #10
    Vasquez was a known to be in the pocket of the Hispanic Builders Association and went out of his way to give them preferential treatment while at IGB and protected them from investigations by the bureau. This guy has absolutely no ethics and will always be available to the highest bidder.
    I am no fan of the fatman, but this guy makes him look like a boy scout.

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