Where Is The Loyalty For John
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  1. #1

    Where Is The Loyalty For John

    I hear so many people who are for John talk a big game in private. That is as far as they go. It is all smoke and mirror on their part. They talk a big game, yet have no game plan. Talking in private and scared that someone might hear you is not going to get anyone elected. They are way too unorganized. You should rethink your strategy and those who you surround yourself with. How disappointed I have become with them is an understatement. You should get rid of them and get someone who knows how to work the phones, makes calls, send emails, are well liked, and get the employees motivated to vote for you and give them reasons why. The only way I see people get motivate is if at the last minute a new sweet contract is mentioned.Hmm.

  2. #2
    Maybe you ought to replace your post with "Where is the loyalty to the due paying members". Since 2011 we have been giving away one benefit after another to the county and the State. Six years later, why not elect someone new as president that wil stand up to the Mayor and our community minded director who forgot we are a law enforcement agency long ago and now spends his days singing Cumbaya? And I'm not saying Stahl is the answer but I'm sure there are other qualified board members who deserve a chance to lead the PBA.

  3. #3
    Has the list been freed?

  4. #4
    Support in private and save themselves in public is the theme. Every man/ woman for themselves. People are scared to support their candidates. Only looking out for themselves. Where is the loyalty? I will be making sure that I don't vote for anyone who is part of the family and friends club. Check the ballot and see who is part of the plan.


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