Finally on 9/16/17 Chief Llanes Addresses Roll Call Ref Hurricane Irma
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  1. #1

    Finally on 9/16/17 Chief Llanes Addresses Roll Call Ref Hurricane Irma

    Chief Was that a motivation Speech? Don't you think your a little late.

  2. #2

    The Truth

    The truth is the chief heard through the grapevine that people were still feeding the cat around the station and plans to put a stop to it.

  3. #3
    "You're all my hero's" WHAT???? you've had all week to think about how you would address your troops and that's best you come up with. Is Caberra writing your speeches now???? I ain't no hero, I came in, did my damn job and suffered through the brass jockeying into position to suck any culo to get ahead. Don't try and act like you played any role in making this week better. If the knuckle heads in roll call , self included, are your hero's then you need to stop surrounding yourself with the ****less morons you currently entertain. 99.9% of us did the absolute bare minimum to survive this week while still having to figure out how to get our own homes and families back to 100%. Meanwhile you and your brass circus were tweeting fake news and "look at me" selfies finding ways to run scams on fema's dime. I fully believe you truly thought you were going to have an 80's pop film slow clap moment and "chief" chant from the room after that joke of a showing today. You maybe named Rudy, but you ain't that "Rudy". You're not even stacking up to "Lucas".

  4. #4
    Chief start booking a flight theirs another hurricane coming. Pendejo maricon

  5. #5
    I heard today that Llanes started looking for a flight out of miami just in case hurricane Maria gets any closer.

  6. #6
    Llanes is laughing his ass off.. $140,000 pension and 2 million in drop money. For doing nothing! Just smoking cigars and 33 secretaries. One thing for sure his going to miss all these majors and commanders kissing his ass.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    Llanes is laughing his ass off.. $140,000 pension and 2 million in drop money. For doing nothing! Just smoking cigars and 33 secretaries. One thing for sure his going to miss all these majors and commanders kissing his ass.
    Stand down sailor. I only kiss the a$$$ of those who can better my status.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    Stand down sailor. I only kiss the a$$$ of those who can better my status.
    That's a long list, cause it's every body Ron. Who's your better here. I often wondered how you got appointed to commander. Mystery solved. So, honestly who's azz of the upper staff was the sweetest? There was Lanes, the current D/C. The Muslim and 2 other males. You should tell, cause if you let us, pick it. Not a pretty picture.

  9. #9
    Did he say anything about possible deployments to Puerto Rico?


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