Slug Alert
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Thread: Slug Alert

  1. #1

    Slug Alert

    the social worker slugs are at it again. If they post enough about Rambo and being "geared up", maybe they can convince everyone else that probation and parole is a shirt and tie desk job. They run their mouth on here to provoke debate, but will never talk like that in their safe zone of the office. Keep fighting for us to be recognized as social workers and work on your 89s. It's a noble life you lead slugs!

    hold your breath for the typical response that's coming. The slugs can't help but respond. Not like they would ever be in the field at this time of night. Just keep collecting your DROP paycheck and reminisce about the good ol Pre Crosby days when you could sit outside and chain smoke your tar sticks all day long. Sure your kids would be proud of the badge you keep in your wallet. The same little badge you troglodytes love to make sure is seen when you're at the 7-11 getting your free morning cup of coffee.

    There is no doubt most department leadership appreciates you idiots defending the lack of any sense of law enforcement mentality. I gave up long ago on changing the beliefs of "employees" like you. For the most part, slugs like you stay out of the way. You're good for posts on this forum but truly the lack the balls to do anything but work your 5 hour days before you disappear to get home and watch CNN with your fat wives. After your frozen pot pie dinner, you've got nothing better to do then hop online and post how Trump is ruining the country on one site before you head over to LEO Affairs and really get those fingers typing. Keep up the hard work guys! If you ever feel like starting to exercise, try picking up the box behind your office door that your agency issued vest is in and lift it up five times over your head. We'll take over your caseload when you go out on disability for your shoulder.

  2. #2
    I agree with you 100%. I especially love the part of going home to the fat wife. LOL You know all these slugs have big, fat wives. Hot chicks dig the guy that's geared up!

  3. #3
    Love this post, says it all.


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