Take Home Car Deduction
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  1. #1

    Take Home Car Deduction

    So who in the PD including detectives is taking a car home without having to pay the mileage fee? Well Carlito? More of your fair treatment across the board? We're not talking about your nipples here, we're talking money. Either audit the program and charge back pay, or give everyone else money back. Special people get special deals. Now this issue surely can be tracked. Burt Rains loves to play this game. Rootin Tootin, are you aware that your chief does not abide by the FOP contract? Guess it's corruption on a small scale. Carlito, we're not talking nipples here, we're talking hard money.

  2. #2

    Take home car deduction

    It's 2 people on days. Stop acting like you don't know who it is and just say the names.

  3. #3

    Vehicle mileage $$$

    If you're talking about bargaining unit members, then something needs to be done about it. If it's the 2 part time guys it doesn't matter. If someone is talking a vehicle home without paying like everyone else, then their integrity needs to be called into question. Making a life out of getting over and not doing anything is a sign of an entitled mindset. Maybe that's why we have GPS so the technology can track the wrong doings. Seems like as much as we grow as a team, we still scwrew each other. I want a free take home car.


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