I wish the law abiding residents of this City really knew what's going on, and how they will be moving elsewhere enmasse within the next 2-5 years. What we have is the perfect shit storm happening right now.

-Ortis and Dodge's true colors have come to light by screwing over Firefighters and law enforcement for the past seven or 8 years.

-ASSistant Chief makes f'd up changes that make things more difficult and directly effects road patrol, and we all know that those corframs really haven't seen or done real police work.

-Our dispatch is a mess and ties up the radio with all the inner/outer perimeter flags or bolo's of crimes that are happening in east Hollywood, or the "shots heard" calls from neighboring cities.

-We are in the midst of having the Officers that were hired during the City's sudden build up in the mid 90's (result of Andrew), hitting their 20 year mark, and cannot wait to get the hell outta here.

-ASSistant chief wants to use a military questionaire that asks a hand picked or a select "volun-told" Officers to complete said questionaire so that new hires "better" represent the makeup of this agency.

-A certain specialized unit (specifically created for a particular officer that refused to handle "menial" calls, or back up other Officers when he was on the road, and could care less about Officer safety), is still held in higher regard than any other unit. Not to mention, he's also showing the new guys how NOT TO DO THINGS. Oh, and he's the only one allowed to design his next unmarked unit and get a new one if it's involved in a traffic crash.

-We've already had 4 or 5 people leave already (4 of which would've been pretty good cops, the 1 was a lawsuit waiting to happen, so good riddance).

-And finally, this department will just be a last resort stepping stone for those that couldn't get hired by the agency of their choice. Instead, they'll spend two years (maybe 3, if they get in a specialized unit fresh off probation), and they're gone.

Anyone that lives in this City now, I highly recommend that you move out soon. There's gonna be a sudden deluge of inexperienced cops working here soon which in turn, will cause our property values to go down, and allowing the riff raff to move in since they won't know a crime in progress even if it landed on their face and started to wiggle..