Nadine Dunn receivers pink slip
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  1. #1

    Nadine Dunn receivers pink slip

    Well, Dunn is done!!!! The real Sybil just received her pink slip.

  2. #2
    Does this mean Deputies will no longer have to take her car to the service center for pm's and Jay no longer has to move her car around the port 3 times a day to make it look like she was at work when she really was not even there?

  3. #3
    Let's give her a big Soprano's, "Fuhgetttt about it!!!!!!!!!"

  4. #4

    Cool Guest

    The see you next Tuesday got what she deserved.

  5. #5
    How about her 3yr Deputy offspring that got Viper after 1 year in the road .?!?

  6. #6
    If you are thinking of the Nadine from SID or DIST 1, she was never the same person once she made captain. Out of control was an understatement. Going to Maine under the assumption of fmla. Routinely coming in on the weekend for 15 minutes, counting it as an entire day and then taking a weekday off in return for the 15 minutes of work on the weekend. Sending Deputies on duty and off the road to take her car in for oil changes. Slamming doors, screaming in the office, talking trash openly about the Sheriff, leaving on vacation when she had no time on the books to take off ...... the list goes on. Her biggest mistake was putting so much trust in her Sgt partner. Getting rides from him to the airport (plus the full make out session that you thought nobody saw) Guess she really thought nobody noticed how "chummy" they were all day long.

  7. #7

    Who that

    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    If you are thinking of the Nadine from SID or DIST 1, she was never the same person once she made captain. Out of control was an understatement. Going to Maine under the assumption of fmla. Routinely coming in on the weekend for 15 minutes, counting it as an entire day and then taking a weekday off in return for the 15 minutes of work on the weekend. Sending Deputies on duty and off the road to take her car in for oil changes. Slamming doors, screaming in the office, talking trash openly about the Sheriff, leaving on vacation when she had no time on the books to take off ...... the list goes on. Her biggest mistake was putting so much trust in her Sgt partner. Getting rides from him to the airport (plus the full make out session that you thought nobody saw) Guess she really thought nobody noticed how "chummy" they were all day long.
    You talking about Tarala??

  8. #8

    not quite

    No they are talking about Santa.

  9. #9

    Cool SID Days

    Hey Nadine,
    Wally Haywood told us about your relationships and your special friend "Pat Fletcher" which the command staff had enough of. Wally told us about your unit crash involving that confiscated Harley Davidson in the mall parking lot taking it for a test drive in the parking lot where one of your detective's went to the hospital. How about all that special OT you gave to Pat Fletcher on those supposedly after hour surveillances. A lot of memories for those men you spent time with in the BSO over the years and their were plenty. It was just a meter of time for the mistress you were to so many.

    The BSO Command had no problem today informing all that, "YOUR FIRED"

    What say you Charlotte Ross? Heard your out of your coveted position in SID. Second time is a charm as the saying goes.

  10. #10

    Career Over...You're fired

    You're fired
    Your car stays for a're fired
    We decided your career ended have no say're fired
    Give us your issued're fired
    Give us your badge and ID Card're fired
    You are banned from BSO're fired
    You will next be escorted while on BSO property to turn in your issued're fired
    Yes, yes, yes your legacy will're fired
    KARMA really makes a full circle for all of those you undermined, bad mouthed or ruined their marriages. Ain't nobody feeling any sympathy for you tonight.

    Thank-you sheriff for doing the right thing today. That's why I support and voted for you!

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