A message to Captain KJS
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  1. #1

    A message to Captain KJS

    Sir, we are in a business where we need to watch out for each other. As a cop, if you come to work, and do not understand that you may have to put your life on the line for a citizen, or another officer, then you are in the wrong business. Every time I button my shirt, and strap my vest on, I accept the fact that I may not come home today. I accept that I may not see my kids again. And this is not a problem, because I made this choice. What this does for me, and my squad mates, is, minimizes the time that I may take before I run into a bad situation that may be my last, if it means I may save a citizen or help a comrade.

    Here is my message to you. Try being a good human being. Try to put others in front of you. Try to not go out of your way every day, even on days off, to be nasty to the people who work for you, just because you can. You have many great people under you. Would it hurt you so much to be nice to these people? To look out for these people? It would not. You should try being a good person for once. It really is nice. It feels good to do for others, for no other reason than because you are a good person.

    I have spent a long career helping people, my co workers and citizens. I am proud and honored with my work . I have done more in my time, than you can ever dream of doing for others. I will never be anything more than an officer, because I stand up for my convictions. And I have worked next to you for your whole career. I have much to be proud of. My peers respect me, my supervisors appreciate me, and I get to lay my head on my pillow knowing that. I HELP PEOPLE, AND I CARE for people.

    You, SIR, (only for effect, I have zero respect for you), you are such a big disappointment. You need to be smacked back to reality. Yes, everyone hates you, yes nobody respects you, but, watch its a wonderful life, or any scrooge movie, or despicable me, or any movie where the asshole turns into a decent human being before the credits run. It isn't too late. Try it, being a good person is nice. Its good, and its what cops deserve. Stop being so STIFF

  2. #2
    Anen to that my friend. He and dipino are cut from the same cloth. Rotten to the core.

  3. #3
    It is truly sad when you see an officer having to post such a truly emotional letter about anyone let alone a captain. Yet it is all true. Captain Jks is a miserable person and it seems everything he does, every decision he makes is in the interest of making others miserable. He is unapproachable, non supportive, non emotional, unfriendly, and has no clue that we officers are people too. Just like dipino. No one interacts with him unless they have too as he will immediately pick out your flaws and do what he can to torpedo any ideas or suggestions you have. In short, he will suck the life out of you and leave u in a worse condition that you were before. It's truly horrifying. Any other chief would have demoted him or at least taken steps to curb his deplorable personality. But not dipino. They are two birds of a feather. His retirement and hers can't come soon enough. We have some really great Lt's that will be fantastic Capetians.

  4. #4
    Oh suck it up buttercup....Capt has been that way his entire career...its not personal...its his way...he may be an asshole but he's our asshole....sometimes he can be impulsive in his decisions, yes, but if you sit him down and seriously tell him whats on your mind he will listen, revaluate and adapt....sometimes.
    Ultimately he is the Capt and serves at the pleasure of the Chief who can demote, reassign or fire his ass...that being said he has gotta look out for himself and his family. The Capt's personality is set, theres no changing it although I have seen him smile on occasion. That might be the side we all want to see more of. Hang in there Capt you will be retired before you know it....

  5. #5
    If he has been that way his entire career then it's sad. When you make the rank of captain you have the chance to make a real difference. Either good or bad. Most will try to be good. Not rule through intimidation. But that's dipinos way also so they are a good fit. Luckily the captain has to leave this year. With dipino we are not so fortunate. We will have to suffer until she decides to leave.

  6. #6
    Good ole stiff is at it again. Heard him last week yelling at someone through his closed door. Completely unprofessional and disrespectful. He was also on edge snapping and yelling at the traffic guys at the last protest. Yes sir, a true leader with never a kind word of support or encouragemet to be found. When does he leave????

  7. #7
    Not soon enough.

  8. #8
    4 more months people, then we will be rid of this worthless, waste of oxygen..Well. Not completely, since his corruption has no limits, and he has used city money to send himself to schools, and training, etc just to set himself up for a cushy 100k a year job helping homeless folks. As if he gives the tiniest crap about them or anyone else besides himself. What the F

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    4 more months people, then we will be rid of this worthless, waste of oxygen..Well. Not completely, since his corruption has no limits, and he has used city money to send himself to schools, and training, etc just to set himself up for a cushy 100k a year job helping homeless folks. As if he gives the tiniest crap about them or anyone else besides himself. What the F
    Jokes on us. This lowlife is still teaching us how to be compassionate good people. As if he would ever show compassion without collecting that extra paycheck. Go away Stiff


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