We ask you decide
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  1. #1

    We ask you decide

    We have examined the city meeting that Doc Justice was ejected from and state and ask the following. We saw no action from Doc that rose to profanity, aggression or threats either directly or indirectly that would show cause for disruption of the meeting. There is one minor exception of possibly embarrassing a council member. We ask, in what manner was Doc properly informed of trespass? How was it documented? Who gave the instructions in the above matter? Was an incident report made?
    As to the actions leading to Doc's arrest, who gave sgt Wright the order to instruct Doc to leave and why? Doc immediately complied without any agressive moves or comments. The officer that followed him to his car was a direct attempt at tacit
    Proverication by use of authority via uniform, badge and gun. We feel this officer leaves himself open to misuse of authority. The Supreme Court has several cases of middle finger first amendment rights. We ask further, the officers involved in these incidents, were they acting under superior orders or were they self initiated? As best as we could ascertain there were no witnesses listed on the A form.
    There is the possibility for individual law suits or is there a conspiracy between the superiors in the pd and others in city government. We will know which way this is going in 90 days.

    This assignment has been given to Command Pimp

    Thomas Paine, your most humble servant

  2. #2

    My video feed.

    Near the end I walk away.

    Wright says it includes the parking lot.

    I stated, cant you see Im leaving, bye bye.

    While giving him the bird.

    Then I continue leaving.

    I never stopped, and if it said I did it was because of Wright.

    I never grabbed my gentials and I neber said **** you.

    As Tompoco pointed out whwre are these witnesses?

    Review the security footage and you will see they falsified the A form.

    The days of Wright, Monaco and Garcia as public
    servants may be ending soon.

  3. #3

    Public what???

    contrary to you're police are not public servants. They are public employees not servants.

  4. #4
    So we are arguing semantics now?

    I did not mean you are a slave and the customer is always right. I meant the work you do for the public, where you are paid from public funds, you are a public servant.

    So am I. Servant v employee has no real distinction and is not degrading. If you actually follow the law public service, i.e. being a public servant is an honorable thing.

    Getting a little touchy there huh, mam?

  5. #5
    The accepted definition of public servant is "goverment offical". Google it if you don't beleive me.

    Trust me when I want to denigrate someone, I don't hold back much here, and you know this.

    No disrespect meant.

    Contrary to popular belief I don't hate cops. I hate government corruption. That's why the Mayor and Manager, and MDSAO are being sued too!

    Actually talked earlier tonight to one of my best friends and brothers in Christ who works for MDPD. He thinks the people involved should be in prison too!

    I literally have friends in every agency I am suing. How do you think I figure out what's going on procedurally?

    How do you think I know what records to request?

    How do you think I know the players and their histories?

    You guys only expose so much dirt on here, and google with public records only goes so far. Realize there are many LEOs with me, they just cannot publicly say it.

  6. #6
    So let's look at some details.

    Last month I was never trespassed. The next day my PI got verbal confirmation that there was no trespass. The morning before this meeting, we got a non responsive reply saying there were no records or reports written related to me being trespassed or any reports from last month's meeting.

    Less than 24 hours before the meeting my article trashing Wright was published, and placed here for all to see.

    At the meeting I was trespassed, but never given a written warning, and still have not received any papers to this affect, even when many people have filed 119 request.

    I never stopped walking away after being verbally warned, until they told me to stop because they wanted to talk. So that's not trespass after warning un any sense, and the parking lot serves the busway and park and ride, so I cannot be trespassed from there anyway. So much for unlaw orders.

    Also under what authority can I be trespassed from traditional public property without breaking the law?

    How is this not in retaliation of my First Amendment rights?

    Then for arguendo let's pretend idiots didn't falsify an official record with corrupt intent, while on video. So had I grabbed my genitals (a lie), flicked them off (true but with different hand), and yelled **** you! (Another lie), that's still not disorderly conduct.

    And where are there 4 plus witnesses. Heck what was 20-40 cops out there. No one got one of these appalled witness statements?

    As pointed out earlier flicking off a cop is constitutionally protected.

    Again that was done in retaliation of the First Amendment.

    And it was right after I said see you in the deposition.

    How is that not tempering and/or intimidatiin of a federal witness, victim, or informant? 18USC1512-1513. In such a situatiin a case need not be filed, just the defendant knowing a lawsuit was immenent. As was made aware at last meeting, in my video, in my article, and again at this meeting.

    And they say I cannot read the statutes, but they pull this BS?

    They made my case for me.

  7. #7
    Also why are they refusing to release the video footage from outside city hall?

    The exemption they are claiming is bullshit. The caselaw they are relying upon is bullshit.

    Plus if they want to prosecute do they think I cannot get these in discovery? Ever heard of Brady v Maryland?

    The request went in while I was still in jail. They cannot destroy this for at least 30 days regardless because of 119.

    Also their is the retention schedule and destruction logs under 119 as well.

    Then we come to spoilation of evidence, tampering with evdience, etc if they want to destroy it.

    So if Oh-so-Wrong, Monacoksucker, and Garcia are not lying, release the video that backs up their statement. This is not a case where evidence will go stale, or interfere with an investigation. Investigation is closed by arrest, and the evidence other than a falsified A form is digital, thereby objective, and comes from your side, not mine, so you cannot claim bias or manipulation, or editing by me.

    Isn't that what is always done. Release all negative evidence and history on the "suspect", then shut up on everything else because it is an open investigation?

    The fact that this video has not already been released to paint me as Satan, and the three fascist stooges as heros who suffered much personal sacrifice, and feared for their lives because of me; but instead they are again knowingly violating the records law to supress exculpatory evidence; thus proving my case for me.

    I hope they don't drop the charges. I want to depo all these idiots, then make them perjur themselves in open court, or admit the A form is falsified. I am demanding a speedy trial as well.

    Obviously everything will be video recorded depos/trials/etc then broad casted to the world. Viva PINAC!!!

    This is not towards the many noble officers, but to those criminals with badges, brinng it biatches.

    Wear your uniform too, please (at least while you are still able to wear your tarnished badge), that way we can continue to destroy infallible credibility of your profession.

    I apologize to the good guys who will likely suffer the brunt, but since you cannot or will not police yourselves we must do it for you.

    Not being highly trained we apologize for the collateral damage, but it is for the greater good of our communities, and preferable to the greater by orders of magnitude damage inflicted upon the community by doing nothing.

    Hope they stall on the records again, leading to another lawsuit for 119. They really cannot help themselves it seems.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    Also why are they refusing to release the video footage from outside city hall?

    The exemption they are claiming is bullshit. The caselaw they are relying upon is bullshit.

    Plus if they want to prosecute do they think I cannot get these in discovery? Ever heard of Brady v Maryland?

    The request went in while I was still in jail. They cannot destroy this for at least 30 days regardless because of 119.

    Also their is the retention schedule and destruction logs under 119 as well.

    Then we come to spoilation of evidence, tampering with evdience, etc if they want to destroy it.

    So if Oh-so-Wrong, Monacoksucker, and Garcia are not lying, release the video that backs up their statement. This is not a case where evidence will go stale, or interfere with an investigation. Investigation is closed by arrest, and the evidence other than a falsified A form is digital, thereby objective, and comes from your side, not mine, so you cannot claim bias or manipulation, or editing by me.

    Isn't that what is always done. Release all negative evidence and history on the "suspect", then shut up on everything else because it is an open investigation?

    The fact that this video has not already been released to paint me as Satan, and the three fascist stooges as heros who suffered much personal sacrifice, and feared for their lives because of me; but instead they are again knowingly violating the records law to supress exculpatory evidence; thus proving my case for me.

    I hope they don't drop the charges. I want to depo all these idiots, then make them perjur themselves in open court, or admit the A form is falsified. I am demanding a speedy trial as well.

    Obviously everything will be video recorded depos/trials/etc then broad casted to the world. Viva PINAC!!!

    This is not towards the many noble officers, but to those criminals with badges, brinng it biatches.

    Wear your uniform too, please (at least while you are still able to wear your tarnished badge), that way we can continue to destroy infallible credibility of your profession.

    I apologize to the good guys who will likely suffer the brunt, but since you cannot or will not police yourselves we must do it for you.

    Not being highly trained we apologize for the collateral damage, but it is for the greater good of our communities, and preferable to the greater by orders of magnitude damage inflicted upon the community by doing nothing.

    Hope they stall on the records again, leading to another lawsuit for 119. They really cannot help themselves it seems.
    Trust me, nobody, but nobody reads all your crap, but "they" are the ones who cannot help themselves????

  9. #9
    That's laughable at best.

    You see the number of page views per response, someone is reading it, and apparently you did as well.

    Go getem doc!

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    That's laughable at best.

    You see the number of page views per response, someone is reading it, and apparently you did as well.

    Go getem doc!
    Nope. Noticed the familiar format, saw the rambling, and knew it was nonsense. I did see the last line- and responded. Sorry, but that is the truth. You remember the truth don't you?


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