Pompano - Page 26
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Thread: Pompano

  1. #251

    Dear Sheriff, silent Pompano Command Staff here is the change that should be made

    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    There should probably be a change made, move the chess pieces around the board and lighten the tension in Pompano for the morale of the troops..
    Just because of people like these, who viciously, mercilessly and relentlessly attack a man, to whom lot of us know him to be a good ma. A man of sacrifices, a man of great achievements, reliable, mission oriented, strong and capable. Just because of those unreasonable attacks, we have the climate that we have today. It's not a climate regionalized only to Broward County, but is a climate that is affecting all the nation. It's not a climate that has started today, it's an uncomfortable climate that has been ongoing for generations. The videos below were uploaded in the recent past, but here lies the reason for today's climate against police officers throughout the nation, although unaccepted and unrecognized by these individuals who viciously launch the attacks against Capt. R.N., that they have not been able to stop themselves.



    I had stopped writing in defense of the truth, the fact that Capt. R. Nesbit is a good man, but I see that these bigots cannot stop themselves. They are sick to the core, infected with racism and discrimination and that explains the anti police movement that it's out there today. The army of some who kills, discriminate, denigrate its own if they are minorities. When you see out there groups that hate the police, when you see a minority out there expressing utter distrust and absolutely no support towards police, think of what you are doing today to Capt. R. Nesbit and those of us like him.

    Dear Sheriff, some folks need more intense human diversity training. The command staff in Pompano should had come together in R. Calls or put it on a memo against defamation, discrimination and hate. The ones writing here against Capt. R.N. are some white hateful few and very few, maybe one Latino who is part of the secret group who see himself as European decent, but forgets, denies and hate the African roots.

    I have noticed that the days that the RDOs of some people, those are the days that more hateful stuff it's written against the Captain here. That's a hint.

    Hateful guys, I will just tell you and it's not reverse psychology, it's the reality, go ahead, full speed ahead, continue the hate, DON'T STOP. Don't spend time with your families to destroy one of our. Expose yourself, go on, continue and the anti police will never stop.

  2. #252

    I agree with the above poster

    The hate must stop.

    The roots of that growing anti police movement across the nation initiates within our own.

  3. #253
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    The hate must stop.

    The roots of that growing anti police movement across the nation initiates within our own.
    Two things Rudy. First this thread isn't going anywhere until you go somewhere. Second the only racist who needs diversity training is you. I would say some counseling but I think all the men's you take should negate the need for that but theyes are clearly not working!!!

  4. #254

    Don't stop ok, carry on with your attacks

    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    Duh. Do we not have a black president?? So your crap about senators and others are only open to whites is an ignorant comment. You changed this whole post into race when the topic was an incompetent vindictive captain who just happens to be black. Throw that race card around to cloud the issue. Typical and used everyday at BSO
    If you have the guts to listen to the end or to buy the book, this will answer all your questions about that...


  5. #255

    Don't stop dumber. This is not Rudy, this is a brother who doesn't like your racism

    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    Two things Rudy. First this thread isn't going anywhere until you go somewhere. Second the only racist who needs diversity training is you. I would say some counseling but I think all the men's you take should negate the need for that but theyes are clearly not working!!!
    Nowadays, except for members of white supremacist organizations, few whites in the United States claim to be ‘‘racist.’’ Most whites assert they ‘‘don’t see any color, just people’’; that although the ugly face of discrimination is still with us, it is no longer the central factor determining minorities’ life chances; and, finally, that like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., they aspire to live in a society where ‘‘people are judged by the
    content of their character, not by the color of their skin.’’ More poignantly, most whites insist that minorities (especially blacks) are the ones responsible for whatever ‘‘race problem’’ we have in this country. They publicly denounce blacks for ‘‘playing the race card,’’ for demanding the mainte-
    nance of unnecessary and divisive race-based programs, such as affirmative action, and for crying ‘‘racism’’ whenever they are criticized by whites. Most whites believe that if blacks and other minorities would just
    stop thinking about the past, work hard, and complain less (particularly about racial discrimination), then Americans of all hues could ‘‘all get along.’’

    Keep going with the unjust attacks.

  6. #256
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    Just because of people like these, who viciously, mercilessly and relentlessly attack a man, to whom lot of us know him to be a good ma. A man of sacrifices, a man of great achievements, reliable, mission oriented, strong and capable. Just because of those unreasonable attacks, we have the climate that we have today. It's not a climate regionalized only to Broward County, but is a climate that is affecting all the nation. It's not a climate that has started today, it's an uncomfortable climate that has been ongoing for generations. The videos below were uploaded in the recent past, but here lies the reason for today's climate against police officers throughout the nation, although unaccepted and unrecognized by these individuals who viciously launch the attacks against Capt. R.N., that they have not been able to stop themselves.



    I had stopped writing in defense of the truth, the fact that Capt. R. Nesbit is a good man, but I see that these bigots cannot stop themselves. They are sick to the core, infected with racism and discrimination and that explains the anti police movement that it's out there today. The army of some who kills, discriminate, denigrate its own if they are minorities. When you see out there groups that hate the police, when you see a minority out there expressing utter distrust and absolutely no support towards police, think of what you are doing today to Capt. R. Nesbit and those of us like him.

    Dear Sheriff, some folks need more intense human diversity training. The command staff in Pompano should had come together in R. Calls or put it on a memo against defamation, discrimination and hate. The ones writing here against Capt. R.N. are some white hateful few and very few, maybe one Latino who is part of the secret group who see himself as European decent, but forgets, denies and hate the African roots.

    I have noticed that the days that the RDOs of some people, those are the days that more hateful stuff it's written against the Captain here. That's a hint.

    Hateful guys, I will just tell you and it's not reverse psychology, it's the reality, go ahead, full speed ahead, continue the hate, DON'T STOP. Don't spend time with your families to destroy one of our. Expose yourself, go on, continue and the anti police will never stop.
    I can see it now:

    Roll Call Alpha/Bravo Gr//Go

    Come on guys, the jokes over. Quit torturing Rudy on the blogs. At least until he comes down off the roof...

  7. #257
    Leave bow legs alone, just do your job as many miserable do!

  8. #258

    Go on, viciously

    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    I can see it now:

    Roll Call Alpha/Bravo Gr//Go

    Come on guys, the jokes over. Quit torturing Rudy on the blogs. At least until he comes down off the roof...
    Regardless of whites' ‘‘sincere fictions,’’ racial considerations shade almost everything in America. Blacks and dark-skinned racial minorities lag well behind whites in virtually every area of social life.

    Well, Capt. Adkins sent an email once when the attacks were towards a certain white employee.

  9. #259

    Inequalities with all minorities, but you can't stand one of us to be success

    How is it possible to have this tremendous degree of racial inequality in a country where most whites claim that race is no longer relevant? More important, how do whites explain the apparent contradiction between their professed color blindness and the United States’ color-coded inequality?How is it possible to have this tremendous degree of racial inequality in a country where most whites claim that race is no longer relevant More important, how do whites explain the apparent contradiction between their professed color blindness and the United States’ color-coded inequality? I attempt to answer both of these questions. I contend that whites have developed powerful explanations—which have ultimately become justifications—for contemporary racial inequality that exculpate them from any responsibility for the status of people of color. These explanations emanate from a new racial ideology that labeled color-blind racism. This ideology, which acquired cohesiveness and dominance in the late 1960s, explains contemporary racial inequality as the outcome of nonracial dynamics. Whereas Jim Crow racism explained blacks’ social standing as the result of their biological and moral inferiority, color-blind racism avoids such facile arguments. Instead, whites rationalize minorities’ contemporary status as the product of market dynamics, naturally occurring phenomena, and blacks’ imputed cultural limitations. For instance, whites can attribute Latinos’ high poverty rate to a relaxed work ethic (‘‘the Hispanics are mañana, mañana, mañana—tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow’’) or residential segregation as the result of natural tendencies among groups (‘‘Does a cat and a dog mix? I can’t see it. You can’t drinking milk and scotch. Certain mixes don’t mix’’). In this book I attempt to answer both of these questions. I contend that whites have developed powerful explanations—which have ultimately become justifications—for contemporary racial inequality that exculpate them from any responsibility for the status of people of color.

  10. #260

    I know you can't stop, even if you wanted. The hate is that much.

    Your hate is close to commit a hate crime. Your hate is manifested day by day towards minorities of fellow coworkers or civilians.

    Color-blind racism became the dominant racial ideology as the mechanisms and practices for keeping blacks and other racial minorities ‘‘at the bottom of the well’’ changed. I have argued elsewhere that contemporary racial inequality is reproduced through ‘‘New Racism’’ practices that are
    subtle, institutional, and apparently nonracial.

    If someone like Lamdirty or one of his dirty disciples like Fondo were to win again, racism will be back 10 folds.

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