Break away
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Thread: Break away

  1. #1

    Break away

    If you want to break Landa strong hold and make the upper staff quiver. Break away from the Pba and start searching for a new union. Starting filling out the famous "blue cards" get them to perc and have an election to get the Pba out. The same routine is not working for you guys. It First started with blinkey and his wife now it's Landa and his wife. The Pba doesn't care for you guys. Get a union that represents the true boys in blue.

    Again if you are not brown and or green and whIte then they don't care. Watch what happens when their is a change in unions things will start to happen. Take this it heart the Pba doesn't care if you vote them out. To them it one less problem to handle or get involved in.

  2. #2
    Maybe we should start looking around. Which Union should use. Teamster, iupta, Fop....
    Let's start looking at each one.


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