BSO CHIEF of STAFF ANGELO CASTILLO saids life sentences for criminals are inhumane
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  1. #1

    BSO CHIEF of STAFF ANGELO CASTILLO saids life sentences for criminals are inhumane

    Read BSO Chief of Staff editorial remarks where Angelo Castillo states that giving a criminal a life sentence in jail is inhumane.
    I corrected Angelo's misspelling here but on the original his spelling is awful. He cant spell but can make $198,000.00 a year.

    Commissioner Angelo Castillo says: July 29th, 2015 at 9:11 pm Buddy, Life without parole is a sentence that permanently dehumanizes, it removes all hope from a person and is therefore, by definition. inhumane, unnatural and cruel. There’s nothing natural or “usual” about it a person being caged like an animal forever. That strikes me as the epitome of cruel and unusual punishment. Once we decide that someone has done something so terrible that they are beyond redemption, that we never want them to re-enter society again, then what’s the point of incarcerating them? It’s just cruel to do that. Incarceration should serve to punish and rehabilitate for periods of time commensurate with the severity of the crime. If we incarcerate and rehabilitate, then it should be followed by release with the clear expectation that this individual will pose little if any risk to society again. Execution for well proved horrible crimes is neither cruel or unusual punishment. Why? We all die. If not today then tomorrow, but in any event death is a natural part of life that we must all face. When delivered painlessly, how can it be argued that a deserved death by capital punishment is cruel or unusual? Yet life imprisonment without the hope of parole is not cruel and unusual? False logic goes into that thinking. Bizarre understanding of what cruel and unusual means is evidenced there. We need to stop the illogical, costly and cruel warehousing of people for years and years without offering any rehabilitative services. Prisoners should be released back into society in better, not worse shape than they entered. We need to execute those we find are beyond redemption. It truly is the only compassionate thing to do with someone like that. I would rather spend time resource and energy on those who have hope of turning around. I would prefer to see more intelligent exploration of alternatives to incarceration like restorative justice models, work release, discharge planning, etc. All that makes much more sense than warehousing people and releasing them in more dangerous shape than we found them. It’s high time that we rethought our criminal justice system top to bottom, especially how we sentence those who break our laws in just, humane and intelligent ways. That’s how I’ve always seen this issue. Angelo

  2. #2
    Angelo Castillo is not chief of staff. Lisa Castillo is chief of staff. Angelo Castillo works for Ex Dir David Scharf in community control/probation. Not sure what his job there is.

  3. #3
    He never earned $198,000. His salary is $121,886 per Sun Sentinel:

  4. #4

    What his wife should do

    Angelo has to much time on his hands. His wife should start giving him nookie and occupy his time

  5. #5

    What he is saying

    According to the Florida Department of Corrections 58.3 % of inmates sentenced to life sentences are African Americans.
    What Angelo states is they can't be redeemed and when there is no redeemed value the individual should be executed.

  6. #6
    What he should do is drink a large glass of shut the f up. Next time we let a career criminal out put his ass near this fool.

    Good going Sheriff between this guy and the CAIR guy in uniform taking to his flocka (hehe) your the best ever. Your a retard

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    What he should do is drink a large glass of shut the f up. Next time we let a career criminal out put his ass near this fool.

    Good going Sheriff between this guy and the CAIR guy in uniform taking to his flocka (hehe) your the best ever. Your a retard
    Please don't insult special needs people with this sheriiff they are better than him.


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