PBA questions - Page 2
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Thread: PBA questions

  1. #11


    We will get nothing and like it. And be sure to thank Officer Peanut and those who enabled him over the years. We all knew it was a matter of time. He may not have hurt anyone in this instance, but that video did more damage to this department than anything I can remember.

  2. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    Maybe, can you tell me why that would not work or if it's not true that SPD has the highest ratio to population number. I also have to think you mean 12 zones and are not counting detectives, SRO, or road supervisors. Bradenton has twice the crime and less people.
    Sorry but need to look at FDLE Crime STATS The City Bradenton has far less crime than the City of Sarsota and its been that way for years.

  3. #13
    So, with cops being murdered, and targeted in the worst ways, will the city increase staffing? Or will they still drop to a "goal" of 12? And is the PBA still agreeing to these conditions? Does the PBA fight for anything anymore? How about we try for 16/17 or 18/19, and settle at 14/15, or even more. I see Northport complaining about not having a raise in 4 years, that's right, half of our time without a raise. They are also complaining about the same pension threats that we fought in 2011. At least we fought back then. Now we just lay down and take it. Northport PD even has a facebook page and claims the PBA is fighting it. Are they too busy in Northport to give a crap about SPD? When is the next vote? We haven't voted in years, and I would like to see new blood, someone who has something to lose like the rest of us.

  4. #14
    The PBA is a shadow of what it once was. Mic is a dinosaur. Its a classic example of what happens when a person stays in a position for so long. If it is any different, heck we don't know cause there is no damn communication coming out of the PBA office. Its a joke. Just watch. minimum staffing will go down and we will get no raises again. Thanks for nothing PBA. worthless

  5. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    Sorry but need to look at FDLE Crime STATS The City Bradenton has far less crime than the City of Sarsota and its been that way for years.
    The Bradenton Police Chief just got punked by the SHT for losing the agency's accreditation, he sounded like an idiot in his reasons for losing it.

  6. #16
    I have to agree with the prior post, there is NO communication or updates coming out of the PBA. Its a joke. Isnt the PBA supposed to represent what we want?? Not what they think is best for us. Do your job mic. talk to your members, let them know whats going on. this in the dark crap is is total BS.

    Most people don't even knw whats being negotiated. One informational email and one meeting over a 2 year period is negligent mic. get off ur ass and start letting us know whats going on.

  7. #17
    the PBA needs a total infusion of new blood.

  8. #18


    Amen to that!!

  9. #19
    How can we get new blood, when we don't have elections for new representatives? When was the last election? When was the last meeting? The only last I remember, is my last bill that I paid. Why am I paying for this service? Is it only for IA times, or if I shoot somebody? I think the PBA president should not be a retired person, which is what a drop person is. They have no reason to fight as hard as someone who has something to lose.

  10. #20

    STFU Rookies

    Anyone on this forum questioning Mic or the PBA have an impaired memory and lack any credibility. Here are a few things to thank Mic and the PBA for: 12 hour shifts, minimum staffing would not exist if not for the union, the drop plan, step pay plan, fair promotional system, not to mention the lobbying efforts in Tallahassee. Mic has answered the call day after day. Mic has always been available to serve the PBA membership. I know I have called him several times in the middle night and he not only provided guidance he often times got out of bed and responded at 3am. Mic made the hour long drive to insure officers were not only provided legal counsel after a shooting incident but because he cared about each and everyone of us. Think his job is easy, think Mic is retired, carry his cell phone for a day or try showing up at the PBA office for a meeting, become involved in the PBA, hold signs for a candidate or a political campaign. Stop coming to office for the Christmas Party then complaining the PBA does nothing. You deserve to work an 8 hour shift and rotate from days, nights and midnights every 28 days. So please address management and the City and support the PBA.

    Now please STFU

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