Seems a thread about this subject may have been deleted, and with good reason. Someone posted that bid 3-15 was rigged and that a friend of the Office would be getting the nod.

I only bring this up as #1, the bid had not even been opened when the posting took place. Now that the bid has been open I invited any and everyone to go to the HCSO site and click on bids.

You will find that not only was the person that was alleged to be getting this bid was wrong, but that not one company or person from Tampa even bothered to summit a bid.

The winning bid was Gulf State Distributors from Montgomery, AL

Here are the bids received:

SSD International, Inc.; Apopka, FL
Lawmen & Shooters' Supply Inc; Vero Beach, FL
Gulf State Distributors LLC; Montgomery, AL
Lou's Police; Hialeah, FL
GT Distributors of Georgia Inc; Rossville, GA

We are all law enforcement officers or retired officers. Think and investigate before you post. You can save yourself a world of headaches.