Contract? We don't need no stinking contract.
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  1. #1

    Contract? We don't need no stinking contract.

    Hey, chief? Hey, mayor?

    Are you ever going to go back to the days of ratifying contracts with your police officers, or is the authoritarian, Lyndon Bonner, my-way-or-the-highway habit of imposing contracts on us going to continue a few more YEARS???

    How many YEARS has it been since we last ratified a contract?

    How many MONTHS have we been "negotiating" this contract without a single written proposal from city hall? Oh, wait, don't tell's coming soon. Very soon. Very, very soon. Right, chief?

    Contracts? We are the new-style NMBPD and we don't need no stinking contracts!!!!!!

  2. #2
    Did you really believe that they ever cared?

  3. #3
    No contract = No productivity

  4. #4
    The CITY of NMB was once a great city.. with a council and mayor who fought for workers rights amicably at least.. Now NMB is just a shell of itself. The city by its own recent actions will do as they please how they please.. they will never negotiate with the unions and are shoving what they want down all city employees throats.. what a shame..

    Negotiations.. a thing of the past.. pension board obviously a thing of the past.. lets just take the board members to court or force them out!

    hey NMB.. don't forget some old timers still have the paperwork on all you once stole.. or should I say misappropriate.. from the pension money.. and I bet not once can you prove it was ever paid back.. Sort of like where you hid all the money from the water plants..

    I really feel bad for all you that still have years to retire and came to work at NMB with a total different promise when hired !

  5. #5
    Seven years of cuts to our benefits, increases to our health insurance copayment, the implementation of a fee for take home cars ALL without a single extra penny in our salaries...yet still no contract offer from the city we learn the chief got a huge pay raise after only a year on the job???

    Anyone who would come to work here must have absolutely no other better options, because this place sucks ass!

  6. #6


    Another sanitation worker murdered. Thank goodness they get better benefits. Ain't that right Mayor George VeBlasio?

  7. #7
    Our chief showed his true colors when he stormed out of the contract meeting. We already knew whose side you were on and now you confirmed it.

  8. #8


    As long as mayor vallejo sits in power this city will never, never agree to a police contract. His hatred of the PD will never go away.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by unregistered View Post
    as long as mayor vallejo sits in power this city will never, never agree to a police contract. His hatred of the pd will never go away.
    why dont you f---ing council people go away . You guys dont take the blame for nothing. U dump son of b------- layed off 17 officers, destroyed the police department, and public works. Four of you use your position to get work from citizens and business owners. Its time the state take a look at what your doing, the phone call has already been made. Mayor, krammer,delpo lets see how you like your jail cell.
    Get off your high horse no one likes you guys. Mayor ,krammer enjoy your time as mayor and councilwoman and your 35,000 a year no way you will be re-elected

  10. #10
    I have never seen a mayor and council that is as "one-way" as this one. Everything, and I mean everything, has got to be 100% their way. They NEVER compromise. Never!

    This is why morale, arrests and tickets are way down...and shootings are way, way up.

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