What the...
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Thread: What the...

  1. #1

    What the...

    Heck!........ evidence sup fired.... aviation sup resigns/retires after a year...... anyone else leaving this week?

  2. #2
    I'm sure if more could find jobs elsewhere they would also leave, and I don't blame them. CCSO is now just a stepping stone to get some experience and move on to better agencies. Very few are happy working here, and our voices go unheard.

  3. #3
    And it corrupt

  4. #4
    Any idea what job was being interviewed for yesterday (10-29) in the conference room?

  5. #5
    The helicopter pilot position.

  6. #6
    but what do you expect with Prummell. it's more of the same

  7. #7
    BP needs to wake up or he needs to go. This is the worst the agency has ever been.

  8. #8
    People don't realize how bad it is here compared to other agencies. We need to get unionized and everyone needs to sign up. Spread the word. Join the union. Maybe we need to get PBA. Seems to be working for other agencies.

  9. #9
    You guys don't know how good we have it. The only people who complain are slackers that don't like work and their feet are being held the fire. Keep it up BP if the slackers don't want to work get rid of them.

  10. #10
    Yes, we do have it here. Look around, in terms of pay and benefits this agency can't be beat. The downside is when you consider the leadership. We have a command staff full of a bunch of self-serving assholes. Right behind them is some supervisors that should have never made it through FTO. You know though, this is the norm for most agencies, shit seems to float to the top, again, look around. Maybe we have more than our fair share. Maybe it's because our agency is top heavy. I remember a time when we had a lot fewer at the top. Then again times change. I don't know all that's involved with running a modern agency. I've seen the political BS, ass kissing, back stabbing, and chose to stay at the line. That's probably the reason why the shit floats to the top. Only a true **** would be attracted to that environment.

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