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Thread: safety

  1. #1


    A new study published in the the American Public Journal of Health claims that legalizing medical marijuana can reduce suicide rates by five percent among the general population and by as much as 10 percent among young male population.

    From PBS:

    "Contrary to the claims of outdated anti-marijuana PSA’s, a new study published in the the American Public Journal of Health claims that legalizing medical marijuana can reduce suicide rates by five percent among the general population and by as much as 10 percent among young male population.

    The study, co-written by professors from Montana State, San Diego State, and the University of Colorado at Denver, analyzed 17 years worth of statistics in search of shifts in suicide rates per 10,000 people in states where medical marijuana was legal from 1990 to 2007. Using the statistics of states in which marijuana is still illegal as the control group, the study’s authors concluded that in states with legal medical marijuana, the suicide rate for males aged 20-29 decreased 10.9 percent, and for men aged 30-39 they saw a decrease of 9.4 percent.

    The study stated that estimates for females were less precise and thus required further study.

    The researchers explained that, “opponents of legalizing medical marijuana point to the large number of studies showing that marijuana use is positively associated with depression, the onset of panic attacks, psychosis, schizophrenia, and suicidal ideation.”

    “However,” they continued, “the association between marijuana use and outcomes such as these could be attributable to dif?cult-to-measure (extraneous variables,) such as personality.”

    While the conclusion stated, “The negative relationship between legalization and suicides among young men is consistent with the hypothesis that marijuana can be used to cope with stressful life events,” the researchers noted that some men in stressful situations may also use alcohol as a coping mechanism and that the topic should be further studied.

    The study is particularly interesting when looked at in conjunction with author Dr. Daniel I. Rees’ May 2013 study, published by the University of Chicago Press, which concluded that traffic fatalities decrease between eight and 11 percent in states where marijuana is legal, the first year after legalization.” It also stated that total beer consumption dropped five percent post-legalization and that traffic fatalities in which at least one driver had a positive blood alcohol content level lessened by 13.2 percent."

  2. #2

    Re: safety

    Let's smoke

  3. #3

    Re: safety

    Science discovered the endocannabinoid system back in 1987. As Raphael Mechoulem, the man who originally discovered THC in 1964 and has been studying cannabis ever since, whose team discovered the endocannabinoid system in 1987, states, "There is barely a biological or physiological system in our bodies in which the endocannabinoids do not participate". The ECS (endocannabinoid system) is a modulator of physiological functions in the central nervous system, the autonomic nervous system, the endocrine network, the immune system, the gastrointestinal tract, the reproductive system, in microcirculation, and most important the cytokine network, which is the source of inflammation, the cause of nearly if not all disease.

    By keeping cannabis, illegal the government is denying citizens an essential nutrient for health, causing health problems for many people, and it is unacceptable by any government. On speaking of raw fresh cannabis, Dr William L. Courtney states, "It (cannabis) has captures these molecules that help our bodies regulatory system be more effective. The bottom line is it's a dietary essential that helps all 210 cell types function more effectively. I don't even refer to it as medicine anymore, strictly as a dietary essential."

    No one should have a gun in their face from law enforcement, be arrested, humiliated, degraded or treated as a subculture for their choice of medicine and/or health needs.

    Recently I was asked, "If you only had 3 pieces of "empirical scientific data" to present in favor of de-scheduling cannabis off the Controlled Substances Act, which would they be?!
    My Answer:

    Role of the endocannabinoid system in food intake, energy homeostasis and regulation of the endocrine pancreas.

    Antineoplastic and apoptotic effects of cannabinoids. N-acylethanolamines: protectors or killers?

  4. #4

    Re: safety

    I already do. I don't care.

  5. #5

    Re: safety

    I already support it also, especially if it lowered the DUI rate.

  6. #6

    Re: safety

    With tears of joy and a deeply heartfelt renewed faith in humanity, I thank the Florida Sheriff's Association and those involved for changing your stance and voicing support for bill HB 843 in the Florida House Criminal Justice Subcommittee Hearing yesterday. I am sure the entire neighborhood heard me when I read, "The Florida Sheriff's Association, which adamantly opposes a constitutional amendment to legalize marijuana for medical use in Florida, surprised many when it choose not to speak up but said only: "in support."

    in this news article: ... rylink=cpy

    On behalf of all the patients, THANK YOU!

    We all hope when it comes to HB 859 - Medical Use Of Cannabis, the Cathy Jordan Medical Cannabis Act, you have the same compassion, understanding and support for those that need a higher THC level like the cancer patients and so many others that suffer health ailments cannabis has shown to be so effective in helping improve their quality of life, or body's ability to function.

    Again, I and many others are so deeply touched by your compassion and understanding, it has given me, and I know so many others new hope, a refreshed view of law enforcement, and strength to continue.

    Thank you.


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