Chief, do u have the support - Page 8
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  1. #71

    Re: Chief, do u have the support

    Quote Originally Posted by Guest
    The chief doesn't even know when to cross the street at the intersection. I had the advance and he was crossing when the do not walk was showing. He wasn't even looking up but rather looking at the ground. The man has no confidence at all.
    It is a shame we have to work for this guy. He provides no leadership and you can tell that when things turn sour, he's all about protecting just himself.

  2. #72

    Re: Chief, do u have the support

    Quote Originally Posted by Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by 11guests
    Before FF, I saw HPD officers almost daily harassing homeless people. I haven't seen that in quite a while. If lawsuits are piling up, maybe it's because people are no longer afraid for their lives to sue the department and try to get justice in court when wrong things happen. In the old days of HPD, suing the police meant endless harassment at the hands of officers and code enforcement. I like FF because I have seen a great change in quality of life for many people here in Hollywood because officers are starting to get used to following the law. I hope he lasts long enough for the change in culture to be permanent.
    Maybe you can tell the mother of the young boy I had to take a call from why you think it's ok to allow the homeless to openly commit crimes in the streets of Hollywood. You see the woman was only trying to get into the store to get her prescription for her sick child when a homeless man laid down in front of the door, pulled down his pants and began masturbating. When I arrived his pants were still around his knees with his private parts fully exposed. Would you think that is ok for your wife, mother sister or child to have to see a dirty drunk homeless man jerk off in front of a store, literally laying across the front entrance, while they are just trying to get medicine because their child is sick. So if you were around you saw me arrest this drunk exposed homeless man because I don't think the public should have to endure such immoral perverseness, If you want to call that homeless harassment then I am guilty and will do it again. If you love the homeless so much why don't you list your address and I will drop them off at your house. You can let them camp out in your front yard and shower using your garden hose. I promise I won't harass them in your yard.
    I was shopping with my three little kids in a store in Miami when an obviously mentally ill man laid down on the floor and started exposing himself in front of my kids and masturbating. The owner of the store called the Miami police who came and arrested the man. They were very professional and treated the man with as much dignity as possible.

    I do not love homelessness. I think it is a disgrace that in one of the richest countries in the world there should be people who are mentally ill who cannot get treatment, that there should be people who are hungry or homeless. Homeless shelters are a lot cheaper to maintain than prisons.

  3. #73

    Re: Chief, do u have the support

    Quote Originally Posted by Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by 11guests
    Thanks for your reply. I'm not used to intelligent responses on this blog. You understand my POV and I understand yours. As you say, my view is easier to take, unless I'm the one who becomes the next crime victim. I really don't believe that the 'proactive' police work you describe accomplishes anything other than take otherwise law abiding people and cause them to maybe say "If I'm going to be treated like a criminal anyway, maybe I should act like one", and you feel it does and is worth the price. Since FF is doing things the way I believe is right, I hope you're wrong.
    Just like all the camera going up all over the city. Back in the day, people would be screaming "big brother surveillance" and "invasion of privacy", Now that crime is rampant people are willing to give up some of their liberties for safety. I truly believe that ""If I'm going to be treated like a criminal anyway, maybe I should act like one"", is completely incorrect. I think everyone has a moral compass that they try to adhere to and just because you are stopped by the police or "bothered" as you put it, does not make someone change their moral compass. I think if you have kids and one of your kids is victimized, your parents are victimized, or other family victimized you take a deep 2nd look at what civil liberties are important and how important they are. Stop and frisk exponentially reduced crime in NY's toughest neighborhoods and the biggest fans of Stop and Frisk were the residents who lived in those neighborhoods, as they were the ones being victimized the most. . Additionally, a good, seasoned police officer won't "bother" the good guys that often as they will be able to differentiate the good from the questionable. But either way, if FF wants a bunch of girl scouts and doesn't mind the crime wave than neither do I.
    Well said ! I enjoy reading a well-informed blogger as opposed to 11guests who appears to be a blind follower of FF and will blog support for him no matter how high the violent crime stats or the increase in lawsuits.

    Stop and Frisk did not reduce crime in NYC-

    when Stop and Frisk was stopped, overall crime in NYC went down according to a study released last month.

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