Quote Originally Posted by Loco Leche
In the past 2 months all these people have left:
St. Surrin

Im not going to sit here and bad mouth the Chief or blame the problems of this agency on the tribe. The list above is a clear indication that something is horribly wrong. As for me, I like working here and have done so for quite a while. A lot of the reasons that the above people are leaving are the same reasons that make me stay.*

The only thing I can say is that I don't think things will ever get better here... I'm ok with that. I just think everybody has a shelf-life, everybody has an expiration date. When the milk goes bad, you throw it out and get fresh, delicious, new milk.

I think this agency's command staff has passed its expiration date. *A lot has happened in the past 5 years some good, some bad. *Regardless of your feelings you can agree with me that it's time to get new milk. Fresh new leadership will provide hope and boost morale.. After a while they will need to go to. Change is good. Change is normal. Change is healthy. *If you love this department and are committed to the tribe you will recognize that the milk has *gone sour and you will leave.
Well we will have a new command soon, since LM is going to be selling cars in Jerkwater USA here at the end of the month there will be some new command.
Kipper will be major
Norton Capt of Professional Standards
Lightbourn Capt of Investigations
Madrid South Captain
Garrison North Captain
Harris imm/bc LT