This thread has been created to help others find information about employment at CCSO or to learn more about CCSO in general. If you have questions about CCSO please feel free to ask it here and someone will respond with the answer.

Please only ask genuine questions about the CCSO. Members and Guest who wish to respond to questions, please keep your answers professional and limited to factual information.

As seen in previous threads, certain information posted may have the potential to invoke passionate discussions. The intent of this thread is to provide professional factual information about CCSO and the employment aspect simple, accurate and easy to read.

Should you feel that further discussion is needed about something you read here please start a new thread. This will allow for in-depth discussions without compromising the intent of this thread.

For more information on Employment and Careers at CCSO please feel free to visit our new website at:

We believe that we are the BEST Sheriff's Office in Florida! To take a peek inside our agency, visit our homepage on YouTube. To view videos about CCSO just click on the following link:

CCSO also has thier own web page on MySpace. To view what is going on in just click the following link:

As always, thank you for your interest and professional participation.

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