I Wonder What Would Happen...
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  1. #1

    I Wonder What Would Happen...

    I wonder what would happen if we focused on some of the great people who we have worked with in the past as well as the great people we still get to work with.

    We have a 100 year history. We should discuss our remarkable evolution and some of the historic challenges we have not only overcome but mastered. Did you know that we have had 5 police stations? Do you know how we dispatched calls before there were radios? We handled 3 national political conventions, and the Mariel Boat Lift. Are you aware of our work on "Murf the Surf", the shootout at the Fontainebleau, Stanley Harris, the Woolfie's robbery and barricaded subject incident? Are you aware of the rifle shot from moving boat to moving boat to take out a hostage taker?

    There are some of the more colorful incidents and characters of our past that are also a big part of our history. Like the guy who will remain nameless (when I mention a past incident where it may be embarrassing, I will leave out names) who was on perimeter during the Wolfie's incident and left his shotgun propped against a wall to go get a haircut? Like the police car driven into a golf course lake, the driver incorrectly thinking the police helicopter was talking to him when they were actually screaming to another car that the violent robber was "just over the next hill."

    We have come so far and done so much for us to simply focus on those who betray their oath and public trust. There is always the corrupt and abusive and incompetant. There will always those who come to work as a sideline for a paycheck as they concentrate on their politics, private business and crime. They are the exception, not the rule. Few of these types make it through their careers unscathed. It is the decent, hardworking, honest person who treats others with dignity who retires with respect and friends. Regardless of rank or pension level or how many years they occupied a "cush" job.

    Think about where we have been. Think - in a positive manner - where we are, and plan on where we can be in the future. Think what you can get done when you are - finally - in that unit or have the assignment or rank to make positive changes. What you can accomplish when you judge your co-workers based on their work related performance and not their social or political status.

    Yes, I understand your complaints about the current chief and some members of his command staff. This is temporary. They come and go. I could tell you about brass over the past decades who's stories of corruption and abuse and incompetence would make the current crew look like a bunch of amateurs.

    I've always felt that people can be divided into two groups. When encountering an obstacle some get stopped and fixated and bitter and then there are those who find ways to get around, over or through and come out on the other side stronger.

    We have a lot to be proud of in our history, our present and our future. We have been made up of some amazing people, sworn and civilian. And we have always had that 10% jerk factor. As cops we have a sworn duty to deal with the jerks when they break the law or our rules, but they should not be the focus of attention. The 90% good men and women should be. There is a lot there to capitalize on.

    If there is any interest in some of our history or my philosophy on focusing on the good at MBPD, let me know.

  2. #2

    Re: I Wonder What Would Happen...

    Thank you, awesome post!
    I would love to have a beer with you and bullshit with you.
    The troops have every right to be pissed off at a few select top brass, as they are not only hypocrites but have character flaws that should have prevented them from ever reaching the positions they have.
    It is like the twilight zone here sometimes.
    Tell the story , just don't put in the cops names
    This is going to be fun!, keep it honest and don't try to hurt them when you post.
    we are looking for funny not hurtful
    gracias y estar bien!

  3. #3

    Re: I Wonder What Would Happen...

    This sounds like fun look foward to hearing some stories and maybe posting some of my own

  4. #4

    Re: I Wonder What Would Happen...

    I remember a current PO who was banging his GF on the beach when a homless guy put a finger in his ass. Going to be hard to top that.


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