We often see the word "Politics" used in a negative way. Example - "They are playing politics at my job." The reference to politics is fairly common place in law enforcement and especially so on this webpage.

Politics, by its very definition, is an essential part of the World. Every aspect of life has politics involved, unless you are a monk living in isolation with a vow of silence. The simplest definition of politics is the influencing of people on a group or individual level. Specifically, that is to say, when there are more than 2 people involved in the issue; most likely with apposing views or desires.

So do we complain that our children are playing politics when the ask for an extra cookie?
Of course not. We explain why they can or cannot have an additional cookie. We use reason and sales skills to express ourselves. We try to educate them on the topic and in our own way, convince them that our decision is for the best.

Every policy, general order, hiring, disciplinary action, purchase order, and yes- even elections involve politics. It takes convincing others, usually in the form of a discussion, to make almost every decision in life a reality. From being a baby trying to convince mom to get you a milk bottle at 2 a.m. or convincing a group of cops to wear a special uniform or a BOCC to fund a needed project. As we get older, wiser (stubborn) and experienced in life, we sometimes find the politics of life annoying. We just want what we want. We have less patience for the politics.

The next time you feel upset that "Someone is playing politics" try to remember that everything is tied to the politics of the World. Or you can always look into being a monk.