Warm up the Limo
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  1. #1

    Warm up the Limo

    I took some time this morning to re-read some of the posts prior to the election. The one(s) that struck me the funniest is when the Lamberti supporters kept posting about “warm up the limo” again and again.

    Do you know what was worse than hiring a limo in 2008 and then losing the election by 15 thousand votes? It was the picture that will forever be etched in my memory of Al Lamberti walking into his victory party at the Signature Grand Hotel with all the bands playing and people cheering and Ron Bergeron with his 10 Gallon Hat standing behind Lamberti only for it all to turn out to be a New Orleans style funeral!

    Now that was a GREAT night!

    I’ve got news for you Bergeron … you’ll never get up Israel’s ass like you did Lamberti’s. Israel is way to smart for your happy horsesh!t and gold plated Hummers. Take your buddy Al and your “mini-me” buddy Don to the “Saloon” and drink yourselves into obliviousness.

    There’s a new Sheriff in town and all your money and self proclaimed power cannot buy him.

  2. #2

    Re: Warm up the Limo

    Whoever you are, you know alot. And I hope SI never let's that scumbag infiltrate or it will be the sane at BSO , that's how that unqualified pos commander got that position. We need to send a clear message that we, BSO can not be bought. And that we will no longer hand out key positions to people who don't have the experience and qualifications.

  3. #3

    Re: Warm up the Limo

    Scott Israel is off to a good start placing solid career officers in key positions. It is curious that Lamberti won't let Israel into the PSB for transition. What is Lamberti doing? Shredding documents? Perhaps he has adapted a "scorched Earth" policy. He really hates Scott Israel and I wouldn't put it past Lamberti to purposely do everything possible to flummox the transition. Nice for the citizens of Broward, eh?

  4. #4

    Re: Warm up the Limo

    Quote Originally Posted by fact checker
    Whoever you are, you know alot. And I hope SI never let's that scumbag infiltrate or it will be the sane at BSO , that's how that unqualified pos commander got that position. We need to send a clear message that we, BSO can not be bought. And that we will no longer hand out key positions to people who don't have the experience and qualifications.
    Yes, I do know a lot. I've been around a long time. I've waited for a moment in time just like this for many years. Scott Israel will be a great Sheriff because his priorities and values will dictate that. Scott Israel realizes that this is not some homeowners association election and that his legacy will depend on how the public and the employees of the BSO perceive him. Sheriff Scott Israel will realize from day one that he has been entrusted with a major responsibility and it should not be used for personal gain or any kind of criminal diplomatic immunity.

    I have absolutely nothing to gain from writing this. I write it because I am confident that it is an accurate prediction of things to come. When Scott Israel decides that he has served the public for as long as he wishes, the bar for a new Sheriff will have been set very high.

    Lamberti abused his power and abused his employee’s. Lamberti was not fit to be a Sheriff. Lamberti should stop writing anything from this point on. He is a disgrace to an agency trying to move forward. The only reason that he keeps posting stuff on the BSO face book page is because he knows that if he stops talking he will be forgotten immediately and he is milking his 15 minutes of fame right up until January 8th, 2013. Lamberti should have been a gracious loser and conceded and congratulated Scott Israel on his victory and should have opened the Public Saftey Building up to Sheriff Israel’s transition team on November 7th. Lamberti is a coward and a sore loser and he still can’t be decent enough to do the right thing. If I ever have to hear his name again in my lifetime, it will be too soon. Get out of the “peoples” house Lamberti. Get out of the PSB!


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