Am I upset because I quit before he was elected? No! But one thing you are right about is I was in fact a dummy. A dummy for trusting him. A dummy for beleiving his lies. A dummy for campaigning for him in 2008. A dummy for letting my personal, non leo friends and family campaign for him. Whidden filled my head with false promises and lies and yes I was a dummy for thinking he was being honest. You can look at my facebook page and see clearly what I am upset about! But then again thats why your upset with me right? Because I publicly talk about it on a webpage, along with other people.

Remember this conversation? "Just quit Tiff, I'll be taking over in 5 weeks and i'll bring you right back in. You wont lose money, your seniority, your position, nothing, as if you were never gone. Save yourself, Ronnie is going to fire you for supporting me"

(Am I upset I quit, no. Am I upset I was a dummy and believed this above lie? Yep!)

Regardless, my story along with any other former employee has nothing to do with the fact that he got caught lying on a application. I did not fill that application out for him, MV did not fill that application out for him, CS did not fill that application out, Mark Chamberlain did not fill out that application. Thats all on him!

If Marci was such a bad detective, then why did he make her a Major in his admin, ranking 3rd in command? Why in that news clip photo above he made her out to be the best thing since sliced bread. Yea, thats what I thought!

Regardless, I endorse Mark Chamberlain because his accomplishments speak for themselves, Mark has made me no promises. Unlike the other candidate, Mark is running on his great reputation and known leadership skills and not a bunch of lies and false promises.

If anyone has any questions or concerns for me you know how to reach me. One thing I know for sure, is that you ALL know I have no problem explaining ANYTHING.

Stay safe fellow brothers and sisters,

Tiffany E. Arnold