Our City is hiding lots of Money $$
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  1. #1

    Our City is hiding lots of Money $$

    Your City is hiding lots of money, and they DO NOT want you to know where it is.
    It is all a sham .

    If you are going to cut pay or Benifits why not impose it upon those who are not yet hired yet?

    When you lower Pay and Benifits you end up being forced to hire officers other places would not want ( less quality).

    The citizens of Coral Gables will suffer , longer response times ,quality of work, and the
    professionalism that they have Grown Accustomed to.

    It is a matter of fact, not conjecture.

    All this is irrelevant, and, immaterial as Coral Gables has money they dont want you to find...
    watch this video and understand what they hide from you.

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jkwjtbTj ... e=youtu.be



    If I were the Bacardi family I would up very upset that the quality of my police is about to change. The police and Fire I would expect to be treaded with value.

    The city Not so beautiful is about to turn ugly as it will be no diffrent than Miami or Opa Locka with nicer buildings.

    *Bad guys don't take a break...

  2. #2

    Re: Our City is hiding lots of Money $$

    I have been a Police Officer for the City of Coral Gables for over ten years now, I can sadly say that I am disappointed and dishearten about this contract and the behavior of Pat Salerno. I can’t believe that I am actually moving backwards in my career and not keeping up with society. Inflation is on the rise and our pay is being cut. Our benefits are being stolen from us and the “city” still expects us (the police) to go out there and fight crime and risk our lives for what? Lass pay and fewer benefits, it’s not going to happen. I for one am sickened and upset in such a way that it is unexplainable. I used to love coming to work and doing a good job, not anymore. It is a shame what the city is doing, I honestly can’t hold my head up high as I say I am a Police Officer for the City of Coral Gables. When I was hired I was promised a great career and upwards movement. I was told that I had certain benefits and that pay would rise with time. I guess I was lied to.

  3. #3

    Re: Our City is hiding lots of Money $$

    Unfortunately our city is already feeling the effects. My house was broken into the other day, the officer didn't seem to care much and simply told me 3 other houses on my block were also hit this week. Is this normal? Why isn't the city addressing this??
    Criminals are noticing!!!!!! :evil:

    I think we need better policing!

  4. #4

    Re: Our City is hiding lots of Money $$

    It's open season in Dade Co, steal from the rich & feed to the poor :devil:

    Free BIRD ROAD RUDY!!!! :devil:

  5. #5

    Re: Our City is hiding lots of Money $$

    Quote Originally Posted by concerned resident
    Unfortunately our city is already feeling the effects. My house was broken into the other day, the officer didn't seem to care much and simply told me 3 other houses on my block were also hit this week. Is this normal? Why isn't the city addressing this??
    Criminals are noticing!!!!!! :evil:

    I think we need better policing!

    Yeah, I am sorry That your city manager has no idea how to protect his citizens from the crim spike that is only going to get worse and worse as the national debt and economy get worse, and worse.

    The police officers at CGPD and the command staff have just been kicked in the throat.
    They have just been told they are no more important than the sanatation dept.

    The garbage you will see as a result to the slap in the face will probably have you move out of Dodge and to a location away from what you knew as The city Beautiful.

    What most do not know is the police "keep" your area beautiful, by keeping the garbage out. Nothing takes place in a vacuum.

    Sadly, the criminals will now get the upperhand not that your city manager has demoralized your once great Coral Gables police.

    in time your burglaries will turn into home invasions, and be sure to thank your city manager for the damage he has just created.

    it is simple socio-economics in a ever creeping world of higher crime.

    sports analogy:
    When playing the game of hockey you don'y take our your goalie (CGPD) when the other team ( The criminals) start winning the game.

    any coach who did that would be fired in the real world.

  6. #6

    Re: Our City is hiding lots of Money $$

    Quote Originally Posted by concerned resident
    Unfortunately our city is already feeling the effects. My house was broken into the other day, the officer didn't seem to care much and simply told me 3 other houses on my block were also hit this week. Is this normal? Why isn't the city addressing this??
    Criminals are noticing!!!!!! :evil:

    I think we need better policing!

    Do you blame him?
    you showed no support of your police , that was YOUR job to show up and tell your city manager that you value "better policing".
    by doing nothing you endorse the stupidity of a man who cares about a financial spread sheet, not reality.

    I don't blame the cop, after the direct insult by the city manager and your indirect insult by not supporting your police, you are going to now have a police dept who are going to work at a "job" not a career.

    I hope it is soft on that couch you never got off of.
    you and others like you have failed your own community, and now you will see crime get worse every day....

    the cops know you don't support them........................
    now, they just want to report to work and then go home.

    you brought that on your self

  7. #7

    Re: Our City is hiding lots of Money $$

    de·mor·al·ize (d-môr-lz, -mr-)
    tr.v. de·mor·al·ized, de·mor·al·iz·ing, de·mor·al·iz·es
    1. To undermine the confidence or morale of; dishearten: an inconsistent policy that demoralized the staff.
    2. To put into disorder; confuse.
    3. To debase the morals of; corrupt.


    de·moral·i·zation (--l-zshn) n.
    de·moral·izer n.

    The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition copyright ©2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Updated in 2009. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

    demoralize, demoralise [d??m?r??la?z]
    vb (tr)
    1. (Psychology) to undermine the morale of; dishearten he was demoralized by his defeat
    2. to debase morally; corrupt
    3. to throw into confusion
    demoralization , demoralisation n
    demoralizer , demoraliser n


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