Detention Officers
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  1. #1

    Unhappy Detention Officers

    Just a question, folks: I understand that Miami PD has Detention Officers (State Certified Correctional Officers) and I understand their tasks and how they differ from the Police Officer in the nature of work involved. My question is, What is the on-duty relationship like between City of Miami Detention Officers and Police Officers? Is there animosity or anything between the two?

  2. #2

    Re: Detention Officers

    Well sir, to answere your question NO. We the officers do not have a problem with them. You see, our dept just hired 36 certified officers and some of them were detention officers. I can't wait to see them fulfill their life long dream of being a police officer. THAT BEING SAID....Unfortunatly, I know deep down inside that much like some of the other officers here who are just sliding by doing nothing, most detention officers will be lazy slugs. It has nothing to do with race even though less then 0000.1 % of all people who work in jails are not black. The 0000.1 percent of non black employees are mostly in supervisor positions. These are real numbers pulled from the labor and statistics website. Any person with any sense can deduce that this is because the non supervisors must be lazy aswell. I'm sure the same wagon non supervisors who will now be walking around here with a police badge and gun (not running) cause lazy people don't break a sweat unless their eating some spicey fried chicken, will be nothing more then terrible employees who got this job because a terrible chief/mayor had to lower the hiring standards because of mismanagement. I know I'll ask for a 15 and as usual the non supervisors of the dept will roll thier eyes, put down their fried chicken and collard greens and respond with grease fresh on their hands. Most non supervisors are professional 15's anyway but the terrible thing is their not even good at that.

  3. #3

    Re: Detention Officers

    Well, sir. I really appreciate the info you have provided so far and to anyone else who may read this thread, more info and opinions are always welcome.

    Regarding what you said about being lazy and such, I have on many occasions worked with "sluggish" people and there is something I will never understand and neither will I attempt to. It's beyond me to know how people get off thinking they get paid by their agency to sit on their behind all day long and then when duty calls, get upset as if they are doing something extra but in fact they are only ASKED TO DO THEIR JOB!!! Don't get me wrong, as a LEO in any profession, I don't think it's possible to not have some "down time" at all in a given time span. It's just a normal part of the work experience. But SOME PEOPLE CONSIDER THE JOB TO BE THEIR DOWN TIME and dont want to do so much as get out of their seat for even a minute to handle their day-to-day tasks. If you want to show the average citizen that you are what you're worth (and don't foregt they pay your salary) as a public servant then LOOK ALIVE and don't GIVE them the impression that you are just "chillin" on the job.

    I am glad that I realize that my job was given to me when I applied for it and fulfilled all the requirements to obtain it. It wasn't owed to me by any form of inheritance then and it still isn't owed to me now. Correct me if I'm wrong, but as I recall, Someone up a HQ made the decision to allow me to go through and complete the process and here I am reporting for duty every day without a complaint of being overworked because truly, I am not.

    Being lazy and complacent on the job will always come back and bite you in the rear end.

  4. #4

    Re: Detention Officers

    And you are referring to former Detention Officers from Miami PD that have crossed over to Police right?

  5. #5

    Re: Detention Officers

    Why is it that 99% of blacks, African Americans, negroes or whatsoever the government is calling you these days are going to vote for Obama? Are all of you that stupid to think he has enriched your lives?

    By the way this is not a racial question for most ignoramuses that will respond it's fact.

  6. #6

    Re: Detention Officers

    99% of these detention Ofc's are the laziest pieces of crap we have ever hired.
    They brought over all there bad and lazy habits with them.
    Always hiding scamming and on a 12.
    Useless !!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. #7

    Re: Detention Officers

    Don't lie to yourself. We (cops & detention officers) are lazy.

  8. #8

    Re: Detention Officers

    The only one that is great to look at is "Beyonce" who cares if she is lazzy or not!!

  9. #9

    Re: Detention Officers

    I can see by the ip address that this is the same person answering himself! When i get a name I will post it! :evil:

  10. #10

    Re: Detention Officers

    having good hard working detention officers would be a good thing. we might have one or two and we thank them for the great job they are doing and value them...but all the others are/were lazy POS scammers

    I can't believe after doing such a terrible job at the simple task of transporting and processing prisners that the city was dumb enough to hire them as full time cops

    who are we left with on the wagon now? the bald fat latin midnight guy who I'm hearing is disgruntaled because he couldn't make it to be a PO and has turned into a IA snitch... or the bigest POS lazy MF, who also couldn't cut it to be a PO....thank God.. the B shift young B/M with the tattoos and a attidue bigger than he is...this guy shouldn't be allowed to pick up garbadge in Central parking lot nevermind wear a city badge and uniform

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