It appears as though, because it is all over that the city is well on there way to cutting Cruz off at the neck. And in this recipe for unjust action is the ever present fact that Puleo is in bed with Daniels. Daniels hired Franklin to do IA's on only those who had any loyalty to the PBA. They've wanted Cruz gone for some time because he doe not like to play with those buttheads either. If the FOP was really going to take an action to help Cruz they would have made Daniels the principal offender in his 'threatening' letter. After all, Amy merely asked prepared questions formulated by Franklin to only make Cruz look guilty and not get at the real truth. Daniels hired Franklin and he (Daniels) by law must answer to a compliance panel, not Amy. But, sure as the sun rises in the east, Daniels will cleanse his nasty back side with anything except his own hand. Not that the most selfish person in NBV police history does not deserve a problem or two, Daniels is the 'blue eyed devil' in most instances. And to think that the complaints under review are at least six months old makes me wonder who the real complainant(s) is and why Daniels is protecting them. Daniels will lose every time in these cases because he is the worst chief/manager and dare I mention leadership at all when discussing Daniels in the same conversation?
Cruz is going to get a royal screwing because he deserves it, not because he committed gross violations. Good luck to all and until I write again, enjoy the taste of one another's dumpsters, cause all you been doing is eating each other>>>Peace!