Your Contract
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Thread: Your Contract

  1. #1

    Your Contract

    It would be nice if one of you would reach out to us as we just took over the State CO's bargaining. I assure you that the resources we can sink into you guys can't be matched. The State FOP lodge has such a bad reputation that they were not even on the voting ballots.

  2. #2

    Re: Your Contract

    Yea that the ticket, join the teamsters, and go on strike when you don't get your way. Perfect excuse for the city to replace you with the county or beach, if they would even have you. You guys and gals got to remember that you can't get blood out of a turnip. The city has no funds, the funds they have is being gobble up by the attorneys. Any union you hook up with is going to have plus and minus issues. You young ones, if you can get to another department, then flee. You older vets, just suck it up, and get your time in FRS and bail your first chance. Remember, there is no loyality there, look how you turned on the old crew, red, big red and ass chief.

  3. #3

    Re: Your Contract

    You’re kidding, right? These guys wouldn’t make a pimple on a Teamsters a$$.
    Teamsters wouldn’t let one of their own stand alone and be F&*ked over like GC is being, they would stand as one and voice their disapproval. Real men would show up at City Hall Meetings and let the community know what is going on and yell about where they (Teamsters) stood and demand the Commissioners stand with them.
    Not the NBV Police Officers though. They hide out, kiss A$$ and think “Glad that’s’ not me being f&*ked over”. Yes, they are a bunch of stand up guys.
    Those cowards have been three years without a contract and the one they voted in increased their insurance payments, made them pay gas money every payday, while saying yes to not receiving their step raises. COWARDS.
    Does anyone there stand up for anything?


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