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  1. #1


    The actions of both this Trooper and the Miami Officer have ultimately impacted our profession negatively. We cannot take it back or change it, we can only soften the blow we all took that morning with the way each of us conducts ourselves daily. When I saw the video, it upset me, not just because it showed a speeding cop in a marked unit getting x50 by another marked unit at gun point, but because the whole incident negatively impacted all of us who wear the badge.

    20+ years ago, I don't remember the disdain for LE being as great as it is today by the public at large. I know there were people who despised us, but not an alarming number, just your typical criminal who knew we were there to do our job. With the invent of the WWW and the fact that almost every individual has on them at all times a video camera (Cell phone), we have to do a better job of policing ourselves. We're not perfect, but unfortunately, we're expected to be.

    Take this site for example, 20 years ago, the only way to discuss things in our agency that bothered us or made us upset was around the "Water cooler". You knew that once you left the water cooler, it was over and you probably never discussed it again. If you had a problem with a fellow officer, you discussed it face to face, resolved it and broke bread afterwards. Now we have officers who come on here and not only post negative things for their fellow officers to view, but the whole world to view. Unfortunately, some don't consider how damaging their comments or conduct on here impacts all of us. Granted, not all comments are posted from actual LEO's, but most are and the level of immaturity that is displayed on here every day makes me understand why there is a growing rate of haters out there.

    Though professionalism is instilled in us at every Criminal Justice center across this state and nation, we seem to be missing the point somewhere. Professionalism- :the conduct, aims, or qualities that characterize or mark a profession or a professional person. When we act, the manner in which we act is primarily judged by all. When we act, we not only represent our self, but every fellow officer who wears the badge. It I act out of line, we all acted out of line, if I make a stupid decision, we all wear it... Regardless if you're PD, SO, FHP/DOT, FWC/DEP, or FDLE, the general person doesn't see the individual, they see the uniform. We can x15 someone professionally, we can issue a citation professionally and you can exhibit a "command presence" professionally. The minute you let things become "Personal" in this business, it's time to put yourself in check. When it becomes personal, our ability to make sound decisions goes out the window. Our ability to act professionally is impacted. We act off emotions rather than our training, knowledge and experience. Don't let your emotions cloud your judgment.

    We, Law Enforcement, need to get our act together. Some of us may not want to hear this and some will just pass this off that they're not part of the problem, but ultimately, it's all our problem. No matter what agency you work for, we have to raise our level of professionalism as a whole. Don't sit back and expect someone else to do it, it's up to all of us...

    Stay safe...

  2. #2


    Very well said.

  3. #3


    AH...........................SO WHAT?

  4. #4


    WHO CARES!!!!!! COO COO!!!!!


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