Taking over Clewiston PD
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  1. #1

    Taking over Clewiston PD

    There is a post on the Clewiston PD forum about Whidden taking over the PD. He had better worry about getting his own house in order and getting reelected before he starts to try to gain more power. In other words stay on your side, you got nothing! Coming over and acting all big and bad and trying to be funny isn't working for us. We wouldn't work for you or Nelson either so quit trying to be everyone's friend.

  2. #2

    Re: Taking over Clewiston PD

    Quote Originally Posted by Guest
    There is a post on the Clewiston PD forum about Whidden taking over the PD. He had better worry about getting his own house in order and getting reelected before he starts to try to gain more power. In other words stay on your side, you got nothing! Coming over and acting all big and bad and trying to be funny isn't working for us. We wouldn't work for you or Nelson either so quit trying to be everyone's friend.

    this is really funny. this guy cannot even begin to manage what he has, and has blown (oops) every chance he has. the city isnt that stupid. even if him and the city manager are playing elevator.

  3. #3

    Re: Taking over Clewiston PD

    not to mention dual taxation.

    this has been fought in other cities / counties over and over and has a lot of caselaw on the topic. the county will continue to tax the city residents together with the city continuing to tax the same residents. regardless of who runs the show, there will be dual taxation and the courts back it up. what needs to be done is the city needs to demand adequate additional services from the sheriff as they are getting taxed already for his services but he doesn't provide any. time to start raising hell with him to get off his butt and provide these additional services to supplement the city police services as well. The city is already paying the sheriff to provide this, so you paid for it Clewiston, start demanding it.


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