Whom is the most dangerous threat to young B/M's in this country? The answer is "Other B/M.s. We in LEO see this carnage everyday. Statisically speaking about 6 out of 10 B/M's end up being arrested at some point, some, many times. Whom should be the most upset about this this glaring fact? The answer is the roughly 40percent of B/M's that dont get into trouble! When perception kicks in, a sterotype ( a general tendency based on facts but not with a 100percent accuracy). Advertisers, opinion polls, and medical surveys are just a few examples of everyday stereotypes that occur. Other races tend to be suspicous of B/M's, especially the ones that dress and act like they just came from a gangsta rap video. I believe Mr. Riviera from Fox News was trying to point this out. Other races ignore the problems of the Black race until they cross over and victimize them. Leo"s experience will tell you that children born into a disfunctional enviorment, without a family structure ,discipline,education, and peer pressure to do the right thing, usually end up in the back seat of our cars. This formula is not race specific, however it is at a higher frequency in the black communities. With a 70percent birthrate of unwed black mothers, these children are brought into this world. Nobody should blame these children for being born. Any responsible person however should not have children if they cannot support and raise them. Occasionally women get pregnant by mistake, but having multiple children with different daddies whom are not supporting them financially and helping raise them is not the ideal enviorment for these children. Here a compassinate society steps in and provides taxpayer assistance. Often these fathers have been incarcerated or abandoned their responsibilities. I think the government check in lieu of daddy coupled with mothers whom have limited skills has created a generation of kids destined for the streets and in the back seat of our cars. Yet we still see single parents raising kids that turn out to be educated and free of trouble. Their priorities are enforced and these single parents are actively involved in their childrens lives. Leo/s across this country will tell you that the prodominatly black minority neigborhoods are the most dangerous to work in. These young B/M's that run the streets are far more confrontational and violent. Drugs and gangbangers are the two biggest problems. We in LEO are shooting and getting shot by these B.M's at a much higher rate than in other communities. Leo's are not perfect, often B/M's are stopped in certain areas for the most trival of reasons, to identify and see what they are up to. This occurs more often when a new officer begins working a area and not familiar with many of the residents. Ask any newspaper delivery guy how often he gets stopped until the officers know who he is. This is why the CPO concept has helped. They learn the neighborhood and over time, can tell you every person you see, the good and the bad ones. Unfortunetly, the only prodominately black leaders we hear from are the race baiters with their megaphones. This group is followed closely by most black politicians all of which would rather pander than face reality in their communities. When Obama inserted himself into this issue by saying "If he had a son he would look like Travon" Unless Obama conceived this child, the only simularity would be the color of his skin, which is exactly what Obama meant. We all know that based on statistics, Obama could have just as easily said and been more right than wrong (If he had a son he would look just like Nickolus Lindsey". Lindsey was a 17yr B/M that murdered a St. Pete Police Officer while committing a Burlary, he was wearing a hoodie at the time.