8/23 Budget Meeting
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  1. #1

    8/23 Budget Meeting

    Why hasn't the budget meeting from last Tuesday (8/23) been online for viewing yet. It usually takes a day or two for it to get posted. Wondering if it has anything to do with the CM fumbling the numbers with the finance department and the council questioning him on it. Maybe the CM told the AV guy not to post it so we'll somehow forget about it. Just wondering!!!!!

  2. #2

    Re: 8/23 Budget Meeting

    Ya especially since meetings that have occurred after the 23 are posted. Can you say 119 request.

  3. #3

    Re: 8/23 Budget Meeting

    Its on now............. :cop:

  4. #4

    Re: 8/23 Budget Meeting

    many of you saw last week the true side of bonner and serda how they played the numbers----that was part-01. tonite part-02 will be exposed which will include the mole from the PD which is someone's tennis buddy.

  5. #5

    Re: 8/23 Budget Meeting

    With the city owing millions to the pension fund I was wondering if the city ever paid back the millions they took from the pension fund years ago. They were ordered too pay back the millions but no one has a record of any money being paid back to the fund. They used it during the "good times" and now this has snowballed! Come on A.L. and A.S. lets see those papers you have and recall what was to be paid back. A.L. dont you still have the file on the entire deal.. its public record! Have the forensic accountant also look at that fuzzy math. opps lets not forget the hidden water account money!


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