I'm risking my life for $21 an hour. - Page 3
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  1. #21

    Re: I'm risking my life for $21 an hour.

    Why don't we trade our cops for soldiers? They won't ***** about actually protecting citizens for 21 bucks. Plus there are more efficient...
    when you sign up to become a police officer you should understand there is a risk.

  2. #22

    Re: I'm risking my life for $21 an hour.

    Try to reduce your risk by doing the minimum amount of work necessary and remember you aren't paid to be a hero.

  3. #23

    Re: I'm risking my life for $21 an hour.

    since the city wants us to contribute well then why cut out the fat;

    eliminate the psa's- why have all 73 psa whom have full benefits, drive new cars and have new laptops, while ofc's that need them are given broken down laptops hand me down cars and still do more with less.

    have special units return to central-sos is a joke, all of the units in there once were in central in different places for years.

    reduce or eliminate redundant units- tru,fat, = glorified pst's back in the day it was just sis, csu, and pst that did the job. so why take people from patrol to fill a spot in that specialized unit (so they can recover a 22?)

    stop paying for locations- i.a, sos (all ran out of central for a very long time) so whats the problem now?

    with all of the savings, the p.d. can push that up on the citizens so they know that we are trying to help out instead of taking it in the rear (once again)!.

  4. #24

    Re: I'm risking my life for $21 an hour.

    Quote Originally Posted by Guest
    Get back to work!!! we are going back to 1980 pay and benefits

    That reminded me of last weeks shooting in liberty city

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