The grass may not be greener but hell at least there grass over there! We've cut everything! Take a look at the purposed work shop on the city server, no shocker we cut the most out of all departments. Take a closer look at the purposed budget the manager still wants to lay off two officers. Can you say snowball effect, two now, and four next year. All department heads will be attending minus the chief. I don't blame him, he's really trying but it's hard when you have no support from the council.

North Port Police Department gets a million extra to a budget! From a city that is literally broke? but still no tasers, no training, or vehicles for Venice. I won't be surprise when we're told to share GUNS. Do us a favor Venice and sell us to the county. I can't wait so I'm leaving, and I can think of about five more heading out the door. If you’re wondering the county will pay you for three years of experience. Good luck Venice, I’ll give it two years before crime triples. It’s such a shame, this could be such a great department, the citizens are really starting to appreciate us, to bad the council hates us. OUR BRAVEST AND FINEST SHOULD BE WELL PREPARED, sorry what I really mean is our bravest and finest shouldn't care.