What is the deal with the Aventura Mall cerfew? My 19 year old son and my 17 year old niece that's visiting from Europe wanted to go and watch a movie last Friday. They were treated like criminals. My son had his ID on him but my niece left her passport at home. I was told that some idiot security guard that was dressed in all black and posing as a police officer named "Gomez" accordingto his name tag started giving them a hard time because they wanted to see a movie. He was rude and obnoxious. When they asked him why they need to show him an ID to see a movie that was not rated R, he told them not to worry why and to leave the question asking up to him. When I heard this, I felt like driving down there and reporting him to the REAL police. I personally went there the next night to go to the movies and sure enough, they had more mall security at the enterance of the movies than at Fort Knox. There was one police car parked near by with no police officer in it. I figured out that is how this "Gomez" tricks people into thinking he is a cop!

Is this even legal? How can a business turn away a person that wants a service that cannot be provided by any other means other than physically being there? I am furious! I will be calling the Better Business Bureau and the ACLU! I assure you, I have the money to burn and I will not let this city turn into a city of fake police and unconstitutional policies!