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Thread: Cops for Truth

  1. #71

    Re: Cops for Truth

    Why does poor Jimmy get the blame for this. If it was something to do with selling a junk truck or renting an inflatable slide, I could see it. The boy can hardly turn on one of these, give credit where it's due please. You'll learn soon enough who is behind the sight. You'll also figure out why it was made to begin with.

  2. #72

    Re: Cops for Truth


  3. #73

    Re: Cops for Truth

    Just in case you don't have a facebook account... It would appear that the website has now been updated and is up and running pretty good right now and has all the video's onboard so that you can see each and everyone of them. It's pretty informative. So I guess now Thelbert will be sweating a little more :lol:

  4. #74

    Re: Cops for Truth

    We need some new videos on this moron.

  5. #75

    Re: Cops for Truth

    Quote Originally Posted by Loving it
    You really need to take a look at "Cops for Truth" on Face Book. It appears that someone has started to use true media to show just how misinformed Thelbert is. It appears that as I've always said, he can't remember what he has said in the past. I think over the next 18 months, he's going to be reminded quiet often. Maybe he'll get a taste of his own medicine for a change. Thelbert, you may want to get Craig to replay some of those campaign videos for you so you can start coming up with some other choice words. Maybe you can call on your old buddy Charlie Morris for advice.
    Wow Rex, the dead horse has been reduced to a few scattered bones and still you don't quit trying to beat it...RMc's days is done, as is yours. We are concerned with the election in front of us, not the one behind us. Move on Rex, this is the rest of your life.

    BTW, what 18 months ? This will be settled 13 months from now at the primary, and 'Thelbert' will probably go back in - then what ? You're going to spend another 4 years wasting your time ? You're becoming a joke...

  6. #76

    Re: Cops for Truth

    Yeah and it's a funny joke, kind of like wearing children's clothing to make you look all buff? Or better yet a Dictator In his Ghadaffi Uniform riding a trike!!!! Bhahahaha!

  7. #77

    Re: Cops for Truth

    It seems the "truthers" are running out of gas.

  8. #78

    Re: Cops for Truth

    The sheriff is too busy inspecting old building's to try and put policies in place for his officer's ,he can only train them to smile for the camera . pick up trash and do inspection's on old building's

  9. #79

    Re: Cops for Truth

    I went through that email myself and traced down all of those email recipients on Iaroosi's invite for Powell's fundraiser. One turned out to be real interesting. Nick Iarossi, the lobbyist who apparently walked in out of the blue and 'offered' to hold a fundraiser for JP out of the goodness of his heart:

    Looking through Iarossi's web site it turns out that Capital City Consulting has an associate named Christopher Schoonover :

    Schoonover, Schoonover....hmmm where have I heard that name before ? Oh yeah , part of the Powell campaign management team of Fink/Hawkins/Schoonover, known affectionately as Larry, Moe and Curly...I guess we've found out where Shemp has been hiding, haven't we ?

    It all makes a lot more sense now. A phone call from Schoonover to Schoonover and suddenly the Tallahassee Schoonover's firm decides to support some local politician in Escambia County...but why ? And why would Powell have claimed that his campaign knew little or nothing about the event ? And what would their gain be ? Obviously the alcohol and tobacco people would benefit from having a sitting Director of Beverage in their pocket, at least until he left to run, and he would still have influence with the Division, but what about locally ? Puzzling....

    Until you remember that County Commissioner Gene Valentino has been sneaking JP around on the sly to speak (once during a State work day at the Perdido Kiwanis), and then you relate that to one of Schoonover's (Shemp's) lobbying clients, Las Vegas Sands Corp...ahh, now it makes sense when you recall Valentino's desperate bid to get a casino going in Perdido, and realize that Las Vegas Sands Corp is a resort/casino development company. And who represents Valentino's campaign ? If memory serves me it is...Fink/Hawkins/Schoonover. What a coincidence.

    The Three Stooges + Shemp all on one stage , accompanied by The Fool all trying to elect Boss Hogg. I would send this to Comedy Central to Jon Stewart, or Colbert, but they probably couldn't use it until the Florida Elections Commission, FDLE Executive Investigations and the statewide grand jury finish with it. Or since there's a Las Vegas casino connection, maybe that Federal grand jury that's in session in Santa Rosa. JP's a big man, but he's sold so many pieces of himself to so many people the cops can just take what's left, glue it to a post card and mail it to the prison that they sentence him to when they're done. Maybe there will be enough postage left to glue Valentino to the same post card.

    Gonna have to take a hard look at all of the Three Stooges' clients now....


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