Is this guy smoking crack.

1st no raise for state officers for over 5 years.

2nd they want us to contribute 5% to our pension.

Now he wants us to pay more for our health insurance which isn't very good, at least the dental. Apparently now the majority of us pays $2,160 a year for family coverage. He is suggesting we pay $9,920 a year for coverage.

I think now is the time to unite and let him know we are not going to stand around and let him run us over. I know the legislature has final approval and to me it would be political suicide for them to pass this, but with the idiots they have up there it would not surprise me if everything he proposed was passed.

He needs to learn you can't run state governemtn exactly like a privte sector business.

If this looks like it is going to pass through the house and senate we need to send a message. I know we can't strike per our contract. PBA you need to step it up.

If this goes then I suggest a couple of BLUE FLU days for evey state officer. When no one shows up for work then what will they do.

Just my suggestion, but I can tell you I will be pushing for BLUE FLU days for everyone if this continues.