Dear Fop, (A few questions we members have) - Page 23
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  1. #221

    Re: Dear Fop, (A few questions we members have)

    I have to agree with the above. FOP your inaction is speaking volumes about who you are !

    the herald, mayor and some commisioners are tearing us apart and the FOP does nothing?

    At least the Chief is backing his officers but our own FOP sits on thier hands...I'm disgusted

  2. #222

    Re: Dear Fop, (A few questions we members have)

    what is the process for replacing fop board?

  3. #223

    Re: Dear Fop, (A few questions we members have)

    Quote Originally Posted by guest 23
    what is the process for replacing fop board?
    Dont worry about that. You could'nt comprehend it...

  4. #224

    Re: Dear Fop, (A few questions we members have)

    Quote Originally Posted by Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by guest 23
    what is the process for replacing fop board?
    Dont worry about that. You could'nt comprehend it...

    As far as the process for replacing the FOP Board. I think you have to find them first. Try under the bed.

  5. #225

    Re: Dear Fop, (A few questions we members have)

    Hahaha! Thats a good one. But dont worry they aré about to come out.

  6. #226

    Re: Dear Fop, (A few questions we members have)

    Quote Originally Posted by Forged
    Dear FOP Board,

    I'd like to address several concerns use members are having. From our understand you have evaded several of these questions or have given inadequate answers to us as members. We also know Ortiz is running this board and several of his buddies (you know who you are I'll spare you the embarrassment) who come here and post and trash about anyone who stand in their way. Take a look at most of the names that pop up here and see what events recently to place that prompted those attacks.

    1) When A justified shooting by our proactive officers takes place it is your job to protect them. Why is it that the Mayor and Commissioner can trash the Department as a whole and Question how we do our job and you just sit back and not stand up for us? IF AN OFFENDER POINTS A GUN AT YOU WHAT ARE WE SUPPOSE TO DO? Shoot first and desculate the threat. It is a DISGRACE YOU HAVE NOT POINTED OUT THE FACTS AND STOOD UP FOR YOUR FELLOW OFFICERS. Why is the chief doing the job for you?

    2) When we took our time to come protest we expected it to be at the AAA. So why was it that we protested no where near the arena where media coverage and crowds of people would hear our message?

    3) Why isn't there any scheduled protest at the Yearly Mayors Ball event. We did it for Mr. Manny even though he never took our money. If anything he gave us the best contract in the history of MPD.

    4) What exactly is the relationship between the Union and The Current Mayor?

    5) Why haven't you publicly spoke against the Mayor?

    6) Why are we being left in the dark about our Contract Lawsuit? (yes I receive blast emails but there not informative at all recently)

    7) Why Aren't Any of our Expenses In the Union ITEMIZED?

    8) Are there any truth to another pay cut later on this year?

    9) do You find it unethical practice to run your own elections and pick up your own ballets?

    10) why wasn't a blast email ref: the election given out?

    I work b-shift During meetings and Can not attend unfortunately. I do look forward to your response and I challenge the board as a whole to Dispel some or all of these fears. Our members need you more than ever the least you can do is provide a few answers.


    Forged,, I mean kerr, i mean forged:


  7. #227

    Re: Dear Fop, (A few questions we members have)

    Post your name mr "don't try this with me".

  8. #228

    Re: Dear Fop, (A few questions we members have)

    wheres forged kurr

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