"Can't we all get along?"
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  1. #1

    "Can't we all get along?"

    Read in the Post Burke filed a lawsuit. Bet nobody saw that coming .. well at least, .. nevermind.

  2. #2

    Re: "Can't we all get along?"

    Everyone who get's there card pulled seems to want money. This happened a few years ago. I don't think the FBI would make such an alagation against a Captain from any agencey if it could not be proven. Some people got a settlement. I think this sparked a trend. Sue and get paid.... I think one on Mohageny row said it was cheaper to pay compaired to the cost of litigation.

    Sorry my spelling sucks

  3. #3

    Re: "Can't we all get along?"

    OMG. Who among us could have ever imagined? PBSO is on such a fast moving slippery slope due to its pathetic lack of leadership. There are so many skeletons hidden and yet known by so many that mahoghany row is ham-stringed and vibrating through each day. We must demand a clean sweep next election.


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