FRS Memo
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Thread: FRS Memo

  1. #1

    FRS Memo

  2. #2

    Re: FRS Memo

    way to goooooo use the county resources for poltical gain. just like the cheat that alex is. but then, he will probably blame someone else also. alex loves those words, "YOU'RE FIRED". Well, that is just what she will get in a few short days. She would fire us all if we CHEATED and looked at notes during a promotional exam.

  3. #3

    Re: FRS Memo

    wonder what those arrogant self righthous elected state attorneys think now of their little darling. big mouth, big liar, big fraud. she is unfit for comsumption, and they are unfit as state attorneys since they have no judgement of people, unless they support liars. tell us, do yu still support our little liar alex sink.


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