Florida PBA and Fraternal Order of Police endorse Alex Sink - Page 9
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  1. #81

    Swindler Scott not worthy

    What fund have you invested in, economics professor? What funds have NOT lost money during this time frame?

    Home ownership valuation is down. Bank savings rates are nearly non-existent. Stocks are in the crapper. All things $-wise are compromised. But according to your illogical rant, it's due to the state of FL's financial officer? According to you, the state's CFO is powerful enough to control the global economy?

    Better enroll in a few more courses. PS - Stay away from Nova Univ and St Leo....those low budget teachers just can't deliver quality education.

    Sink is a proven commodity. Scott is a carpetbagger new to FL who has nearly gotten himself indicted. There are still active cases with his name on them, not to mention lawsuits. All his millions can't erase the truth. Scott is a con artist and you, my brother, are easily convinced.

    Hey, pssst, over here! I got a residential lot for sale at triple the value. Call my broker, Goliath up and make an offer fast cuz everyone wants in on the action.

  2. #82

    Re: Florida PBA and Fraternal Order of Police endorse Alex Sink

    if you talk to the people who worked at Scott’s side during his tenure as Columbia-HCA’s CEO, former Columbia-HCA board members, as well as outsiders whose companies did business with Scott or sat on opposite sides of a negotiating table with Scott, the picture of Rick Scott is far different from the one Scott’s political opponents and mainstream media have depicted.

    • Stephen Braun, Columbia-HCA’s general counsel who has known and worked with Scott for nearly three decades: “He’s as honest as a Boy Scout.”

    • Former Columbia-HCA board member Dr. Magdalena Averhoff of Miami: “Honorable, straightforward, sincere. Rick revolutionized medicine. He was a visionary.”

    • Josh Nemzoff, owner of Nemzoff & Co. LLC., who sat across from Scott on eight sales of hospital companies to Columbia-HCA and has never been paid a dime by Scott or Columbia-HCA: “I would never use the term arrogant to describe Rick.”

    Asked how Scott was different from other hospital CEOs back in the late 1980s and early 1990s, Nemzoff says: “Very simple. He’s smarter than all of them.”

    • George Pillari, founder and CEO of HCIA Inc., an independent company that analyzed the efficiency of Columbia-HCA hospitals, and who worked with Scott. Asked about Scott’s ethics and honesty, Pillari says: “That’s never questioned.”


  3. #83

    Re: Florida PBA and Fraternal Order of Police endorse Alex Sink

    Part of me hopes Sink gets in just to watch you pathetic PBA firfighters suffer. But the American free citizen voted for Scot. You are all so self centered and could care less what is good for Florida or America, it's all about your pathetic pensions.

    You disgust me

  4. #84

    Re: Florida PBA and Fraternal Order of Police endorse Alex Sink

    The facts are the facts, democratic controlled Cities are crime ridden holes. Cops are always betrayed as the “bad guys” by the liberals till they need their vote for election. Sink is know different, where does she stand on the death penalty for cop killers? She was all so quick to back Obama’s policies publicly till the polls showed he is falling from grace. She will say whatever you want to hear and will sell you down the road to suite her needs. The PBA was foolish to back her and she will damage Florida and law enforcement for years to come. I voted Rick Scott and hope you think this through before you each cast your vote today. As the president was so quick to judge a brother police officer "don't act stupidly"

  5. #85

    Re: Florida PBA and Fraternal Order of Police endorse Alex Sink

    You people are crazy with how you turn your backs on the union endorsements! All the unions endorse Alex Sink which means you should too if you want whats good for you. The rest of you SCABS who dont follow the union are dragging everyone else down. Some of the union "brothers" need to come "visit" some of you people at home to help you understand what's good for you.

  6. #86

    Re: Florida PBA and Fraternal Order of Police endorse Alex Sink

    The PBA endorsing Sink is just another example (in a long string of embarrassing political endorsements) that the Union leadership is out of touch with the street level officers. The "entire" membership should have the say on who gets endorsed and not a board that goes against the wishes of it's members. But hey, this is why people can't stand politicians, and the PBA is acting just like them.

    The leadership of the PBA is too connected to Tallahassee politicians.

    That's why so many of us only keep the PBA for legal representation purposes.

    Their political endorsements SUCK.

  7. #87
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    Re: Florida PBA and Fraternal Order of Police endorse Alex Sink

    Quote Originally Posted by Guest
    Part of me hopes Sink gets in just to watch you pathetic PBA firfighters suffer. But the American free citizen voted for Scot. You are all so self centered and could care less what is good for Florida or America, it's all about your pathetic pensions.

    You disgust me
    So I'm supposed to throw my pension concerns and that of my family's long-term welfare on the back burner for someone like you who doesn't give a damm about LEO's or Fire Fighters? For how long and when do I get my turn to speak since you're obviously not going to be an advocate for those of us who are constantly being served up by politicians as a necessary evil rather than a saving grace?

    And you're disgusted by individuals who put their lives on the line for you every day? --Pardon us. Alpha's sometimes don't come off as appreciative when doing others dirty work.

    And in your opinion we are self centered when we stand at the wall to protect what we've worked hard for over the years in a city whose management, having squirreled away more than $400M of the taxpayers money, wouldn't think twice about throwing all of us out like yesterday's newspaper.

    When you get your next paper cut at work and complain to your boss about never having had one of those rubber finger protectors, give me a call. I'm a caring, compassionate listener.

    FD Bro'

  8. #88

    Re: Florida PBA and Fraternal Order of Police endorse Alex Sink

    Quote Originally Posted by Done Deal
    I agree, if the union hacks are for her then I'm against her. I am philosophically conservative and an objectivist so the corruption inherent in unions is not acceptable to me. Liberalism is a bad policy for the country, the state, the city, etc etc. I am not going to sell out my country, state, city, etc etc to selfishly put ten dollars in my pocket. My honor, my principles, and my integrity are more important than deciding which candidate will benefit me personally.

    Which party is against the death penalty?
    Which party rallies to the defense of cop killers?
    Which party wants to give the parasites of society a raise through more welfare etc?

    You can point out a bunch of negatives about the other party as well but the above facts are deal-breakers for any real cop. They can keep their phony hope and change...I'll keep my honor.

  9. #89

    Re: Florida PBA and Fraternal Order of Police endorse Alex Sink

    Amen brother now your preaching. We are not general motors or Wall Street Fat Cats we are cops the thin blue line protecting the sheep from the wolves. I live within my means and plan for my family’s future. I am not looking for a hand out from anyone nor do I agree with the above F.D. poster.

  10. #90

    Re: Florida PBA and Fraternal Order of Police endorse Alex Sink

    So where are we with our all so influential unions backing a bunch of losers for election? Are we any better off today than we were last year? What do these union officials have to say for themselves. Who holds them accountable for there flawed decisions?

    Wow our PBA has lost its direction; they no longer are in touch with the membership and appear way to comfortable hanging out in Tallahassee with the political élites who lost the election. Time for change here at home for the dues paying membership.

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