Confiscation of Weapons - Page 2
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  1. #11

    Re: Confiscation of Weapons

    Quote Originally Posted by P Slayer
    Quote Originally Posted by Guest
    PSlayer, that was an interesting post. While working Katrina one of our duties was to walk through the devastation and collect any firearms we found. That wasn't to take them away from law abiding citizens it was to keep them from getting into the wrong hands.

    My issue with your post is this unfounded fear of our government as presented by some in the Tea Party and Fox News. The facts are; taxes have not gone up although some keep spouting that lie, guns rights have not been infringed upon although gun shops have made record profit margins based on their own hype, and the actions taken in the last year have slowed our fall in what is surely a depression.

    No, I'm not some liberal although you may hop on the bandwagon and call me one. I don't believe Sarah Palin has an IQ over 110. If you are still listening to Glenn Beck you may want to educate yourself on Germany in 1933.

    By the way, read the Brady before you comment on it. You may be surprised that as a law enforcement officer how you agree with it.
    Wow, really. One of the first things the Nazis did was ban personally owned weapons. Also, I don't care much for GB. He perpetuates the Right/Left paradigm in this country. I am not really that concerned about our Govt in it of itself. I am concerned about the Federal Reserve and World Bank that do have the power and use our media (which they own) and government to immaculate our population (gays, ear rings on men, single mothers, you don't need a man, violence isn't the answer, everyone is a winner; I could go on, but you get the point). Most Americans think the Federal Reserve is a Govt agency. It is not. It is a private bank that has never been audited. Who do you think calls the shots?

    I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.
    -Thomas Jefferson

    You need to wake up people and see what is going on. It isn’t about Right/Left or Rep/Dem. As long as we fight over inconsequential issues and ignore the man behind the curtain, we will not have a country or freedom. Do your own research: Bilderberg, Council on Foreign Relations, Bohemian Groove, Trilateral Commission, Aaron Russo, WTC Bldg 7. Start there and wake up before it is too late.
    Do you see 'em? Well do ya? Black helicopters are everywhere! Ssshhhhhh, they're listening to us right now. Cover you mouth when you speak. I wish FWC had better background checks because you scare me. Whether you like it or not, you are the government.

  2. #12

    Re: Confiscation of Weapons

    Quote Originally Posted by P Slayer
    Quote Originally Posted by Guest
    PSlayer, that was an interesting post. While working Katrina one of our duties was to walk through the devastation and collect any firearms we found. That wasn't to take them away from law abiding citizens it was to keep them from getting into the wrong hands.

    My issue with your post is this unfounded fear of our government as presented by some in the Tea Party and Fox News. The facts are; taxes have not gone up although some keep spouting that lie, guns rights have not been infringed upon although gun shops have made record profit margins based on their own hype, and the actions taken in the last year have slowed our fall in what is surely a depression.

    No, I'm not some liberal although you may hop on the bandwagon and call me one. I don't believe Sarah Palin has an IQ over 110. If you are still listening to Glenn Beck you may want to educate yourself on Germany in 1933.

    By the way, read the Brady before you comment on it. You may be surprised that as a law enforcement officer how you agree with it.
    Wow, really. One of the first things the Nazis did was ban personally owned weapons. Also, I don't care much for GB. He perpetuates the Right/Left paradigm in this country. I am not really that concerned about our Govt in it of itself. I am concerned about the Federal Reserve and World Bank that do have the power and use our media (which they own) and government to immaculate our population (gays, ear rings on men, single mothers, you don't need a man, violence isn't the answer, everyone is a winner; I could go on, but you get the point). Most Americans think the Federal Reserve is a Govt agency. It is not. It is a private bank that has never been audited. Who do you think calls the shots?

    I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.
    -Thomas Jefferson

    You need to wake up people and see what is going on. It isn’t about Right/Left or Rep/Dem. As long as we fight over inconsequential issues and ignore the man behind the curtain, we will not have a country or freedom. Do your own research: Bilderberg, Council on Foreign Relations, Bohemian Groove, Trilateral Commission, Aaron Russo, WTC Bldg 7. Start there and wake up before it is too late.
    If you are going to quote Thomas Jefferson, please ensure the quote is accurate:

    According to the Jefferson Encyclopedia, the earliest printed reference to this quotation found so far appeared in a 1937 Congressional subcommittee report, which means there is no known record of these words having been attached to Jefferson's name until well more than a century after his death (1826). And even though this quotation has
    bedeviled historians for several decades now, no one has yet turned up any Jeffersonian speeches or writings or other documentation demonstrating that Thomas Jefferson ever uttered or wrote these words.

  3. #13

    Re: Confiscation of Weapons

    PSlayer, I must ask. Does your moniker stand for p$ssy slayer? I bet the ladies just love you. Does it stand for police slayer? I've got to wonder...

    Reading some obscure writings of some little known authors does not make one an expert on a subject. In fact it just makes you look like some radical with an agenda. Painting everyone that disputes your ideas as a liberal dimishes you as a speaker and shows that you may be unable to objectively investigate a situation.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    Re: Confiscation of Weapons

    Quote Originally Posted by Guest
    PSlayer, I must ask. Does your moniker stand for p$ssy slayer? I bet the ladies just love you. Does it stand for police slayer? I've got to wonder...

    Reading some obscure writings of some little known authors does not make one an expert on a subject. In fact it just makes you look like some radical with an agenda. Painting everyone that disputes your ideas as a liberal dimishes you as a speaker and shows that you may be unable to objectively investigate a situation.
    I have been known to slay the ladies. I never called anyone a liberal, nor do I care if you are one. As you fall back to your comfortable left/right labels, you miss the actual point. It is about power and control. There are liberal ways to achieve power (communism and socialism) and there are conservative ways to achieve power (coorperatism). Either way you are not truly free. Either way someone else controls the resources. Either way you are a slave. Think about this. Say you "own" a house. Do you really own it or does the state own it. Can you do whatever you want on your land? No. What if you decide one day to stop paying taxes. The govt can take your house from you. That to me is not ownship. That is renting. Renting from whom? The govt. It is all good right now because Americans have material things to keep them busy and happy(xbox, iphone, internet, TV, sports, jobs, food, etc.). It all seems to be working pretty well. What happens if those things become scarce, which at some point they will? There isn't an infinate amount of resources on this planet. What happens when they run out or someone in power holds them?

  5. #15

    Re: Confiscation of Weapons

    PSlayer, go to this website Get the book, read it, and you will love it. I am not being a smartass. This book rocks.

  6. #16

    Re: Confiscation of Weapons


    1, if i am ordered take a civilian's weapon i will. you can talk about honor etc all you want to, but that doesnt put food on my table for my children and pay my bills.

    2. my NG unit was in new orleans, helping the law abiding helpless people, and we were repeatedly shot at byt those "civilians" over there, so i had not one problem taking their weapons either.

    3. helicopters bringing in supplies were being shot at too.

    i dont preach to people about honor and integrity, i find that such things are usually preached about by people that want to manipulate others to do what they want, or they like to express their PERSONAL opinion about what those two concepts are, or they are young, new to a certain type of job, and have not had to make the hard decisions yet.

    ive also seen those same people are sometiems the first to haul butt out of here when things get tough....

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    Re: Confiscation of Weapons

    Quote Originally Posted by Guest

    1, if i am ordered take a civilian's weapon i will. you can talk about honor etc all you want to, but that doesnt put food on my table for my children and pay my bills.

    2. my NG unit was in new orleans, helping the law abiding helpless people, and we were repeatedly shot at byt those "civilians" over there, so i had not one problem taking their weapons either.

    3. helicopters bringing in supplies were being shot at too.

    i dont preach to people about honor and integrity, i find that such things are usually preached about by people that want to manipulate others to do what they want, or they like to express their PERSONAL opinion about what those two concepts are, or they are young, new to a certain type of job, and have not had to make the hard decisions yet.

    ive also seen those same people are sometiems the first to haul butt out of here when things get tough....

    All good points and at least you are honest. I have no problem with you or your unit taking weapons from people that shot at you unprovoked. Actually, you should have killed them. That is not my point, however. You are also correct about those who espouse or pontificate. They are usually hypocrites. I am in no way trying to say I am prefect or have acted honorably in all situations. However, I usually make mistakes because I am unprepared to make the right decision when it is time to act. My only point is to think about these issues now and wargame them in your mind so you are prepared to act honorably and with integrity in the future. The basis for all my decision are God first and the Constitution second (which I believe is a document directly influenced by God himself).

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    Re: Confiscation of Weapons

    Quote Originally Posted by Guest

    1, if i am ordered take a civilian's weapon i will. you can talk about honor etc all you want to, but that doesnt put food on my table for my children and pay my bills.

    2. my NG unit was in new orleans, helping the law abiding helpless people, and we were repeatedly shot at byt those "civilians" over there, so i had not one problem taking their weapons either.

    3. helicopters bringing in supplies were being shot at too.

    i dont preach to people about honor and integrity, i find that such things are usually preached about by people that want to manipulate others to do what they want, or they like to express their PERSONAL opinion about what those two concepts are, or they are young, new to a certain type of job, and have not had to make the hard decisions yet.

    ive also seen those same people are sometiems the first to haul butt out of here when things get tough....
    The government still has no business taking weapons from law abiding people (not talking about criminals).Anyone who tries to take weapons from a law abiding citizen who is simply defending their property or life should get a controlled pair.The people who shot at helicopters or national guard units were most likely in the criminal category and should have been shot rather than just have their weapons confiscated. Did you give them a property reciept when you took their weapons? Under what order or law were you acting when you took those weapons? I am just curious because I was on active duty at that time and we were briefed on the possibility of going to New Orleans as part of a joint task force. We were briefed on strict rules of engagement and specifically how we were not allowed to act in a law enforcement role. In fact, we were told by our commander that we would not enter anyone's homes (except to save a life) and defer any situation we came across to local law enforcement or coordinate for them to arrive. We were told that only the national guard would even have ammo for their weapons. To my knowledge martial law wasn't declared in that situation-which would have given the military extensive powers to act in ways you described.

  9. #19

    Re: Confiscation of Weapons

    Quote Originally Posted by Guest
    You obviously have too much time on your hands to be thinking about stupid things like this. Get a life.
    au contrere. He makes an excellent point and I might add......a Constitutional one. I say it all depends on the circumstances. While conducting a search (via warrant) of a house I (we) would always make sure weapons were rendered safe by unloading them and also running an NCIC check on them. If nothing came back, the weapons would remain at the residence providing that whoever claimed ownership had no impairment of qualification to own/possess a firearm. Out side of this, how do you justify taking someone's property? After all, this is America and also, another poster is right....................we are not a democracy as Obama claims, we are a republic.

    ABT guy

  10. #20

    Re: Confiscation of Weapons

    I was at Katrina for two weeks with FWC. We NEVER took guns from law abiding citizens and we were not told to. As for the National Guard, I feel bad for those poor saps. There they were running around playing soldier and they didn't even have have magazines in there weapons. Sad!

    Obama called us the same thing every other president called us. A democracy. Although we are in fact a republic we are also a representative democracy. Although you may not like our president he IS a constitutional scholar educated at the very institution of our nation's birth. At least give him that. On the other hand you could take the word of a born again, recovering drunk like like Glenn Beck and take it as the gospel. It doesn't take hitting rock bottom to look up to the heavens.

    So PSlayer, have you read the Brady Bill yet?

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