You have no rights on this board, you can not post whatever you want without repercussions. If you feel so strongly about someone that you absolutely have to post something negative, then don't be scared and register. Then there is a name to go with the accusations, if the accusations turn out to be false you can be dealt with. I have a feeling that won't happen though.

If you want to make false allegations and bash people get your own message board, until then this site will be run how the administrators and the Mods want it run. Read the terms of use, it is clear on what is expected of you if you want to be on this site. People have be banned from LEO AFFAIRS for violating the policy.

No one is protected on this thread, if names are mentioned with allegations the thread is closed. It just so happens that some people have a hard on for a select few, that's why those threads get moved.

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