Strange Deputy (Insalaca) ??spelling?? - Page 3
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  1. #21

    Re: Strange Deputy (Insalaca) ??spelling??

    Quote Originally Posted by better yet
    Quote Originally Posted by Guest
    cheque the sex offenderes list fer a pix mite help
    Better yet....chech the log book for having to check in your car and S.0 at end of shift and checking them out each day just to go 10-8. I have heard of some stupid stuff since i have been here and I've done a little stupid stuff myself. BUT,that kinda stuff is more than a counseling form right there brother!!
    Just what do you have to do to get the SGT. to sign out your gun and car at the start of your shift and then sign it back in to be locked up when you finish your shift. So is this guy only a Deputy when he is at work, can he "act" as a deputy when he is not at work or wearing a uniform.....and what the hell did he do and he is still working as a "cop" with arrest powers. ??? I dont know but I would like to know!
    What scares me is if this guy did something bad enough that he has to check his gun in at the end of his shift, how can they justify letting him carry it at work?

  2. #22


    Charles Insalaca terminated today.

  3. #23

    Re: Strange Deputy (Insalaca) ??spelling??

    For what?

  4. #24

    Re: Strange Deputy (Insalaca) ??spelling??

    Not sure why he was terminated. Not sure either why he didn't claim workers comp!

  5. #25

    Re: Strange Deputy (Insalaca) ??spelling??

    Quote Originally Posted by Guest
    works in district 7......good guy hard worker

    this just in....

    you are the WORST judge of character!!!!!!!!!!

  6. #26

    Re: Strange Deputy (Insalaca) ??spelling??

    leave the guy alone, he lost his career,issues at hand .like you never had any . and by the way when yOUR still on probation the office rules, truthfully we should be on probation for five yrs, that should prove who you are. some guy s get the job an now their GOD ,WERE ALL JUST NUMBERS and someone else is waiting to be hired .and as far as having a rabbi or someone we know to get off a charge, that s old and has been done since 1400b.c. if your not smart enough to know this. i just stay below the radar and read this junk for shear entertainment. just thought i d share a comment, be careful out there and try to remember WE ARE SUPPOSED TO BE A FAMILY so if someone ,one of us calls you , answer it you just may save a soul from some pain.

  7. #27

    Re: Strange Deputy (Insalaca) ??spelling??

    Quote Originally Posted by guest567891
    leave the guy alone, he lost his career,issues at hand .like you never had any . and by the way when yOUR still on probation the office rules, truthfully we should be on probation for five yrs, that should prove who you are. some guy s get the job an now their GOD ,WERE ALL JUST NUMBERS and someone else is waiting to be hired .and as far as having a rabbi or someone we know to get off a charge, that s old and has been done since 1400b.c. if your not smart enough to know this. i just stay below the radar and read this junk for shear entertainment. just thought i d share a comment, be careful out there and try to remember WE ARE SUPPOSED TO BE A FAMILY so if someone ,one of us calls you , answer it you just may save a soul from some pain.
    Bro...Are you on narcotics or something when you posted this disconnected babble???
    "They" say we write like we talk, I hope to god you do because i want to know who you are. That whay if we meet at a detail or event and i hear you start talking and it sounds like a drunk half-wit the i will know that you are the one that posted the above quote and to stay clear of you.

    Insalaka has SERIOUS problems and should be an inmate at gun club as far as i am concerned. He is a big bag of hot air that talks like he has the biggest brass Balls on earth but only knows how to yell at girls or kids. He doesn't scare anybody except helpless people who think he is something "we" all know he is not!!
    He looks like a circus freak and talks like a bad italian movie actor. Bad as in pathetic not bad a$$. This "BROTHERHOOD" only goes as far as those that make a mistake that is harmless in nature and doesn't harm or threaten anyone. Friendship can extend beyond that but stikin up for a guy just because he is a cop is stupid now days. There are some serious idiots in our ranks and insalaka was one of them. FACT!

    Good job by the higherups to cut this manic loose and call it what it is. He is a psycopathic punk that is nothing but a big mouth and a bullcrapartist. To bad they couldn't arrest him for "impersonating a law enforcement officer" THATS ALL HE EVER DID.

  8. #28

    Re: Strange Deputy (Insalaca) ??spelling??

    it s called empathy,someday when you have many years of experience you too may see the light. I just think maybe your not thinking as this guy did and he got out of hand. WE will see when you screw up young one how you handle it, but just remember we will all be there to help you too, if it s not to late, just remember think before you act ,and before you speak. stay safe brother.

  9. #29

    Re: Strange Deputy (Insalaca) ??spelling??

    Wait a minute. What kind of wipe your A$$ forum is this? Give me a tissue please. Is it possible this was all of his own creation and that he is not a victim of circumstance? Keep your affairs in order and you'll do just fine. Go around acting arrogantly with out a thought for others or the consequences and you'll be in the same boat. He made his own bed, now he can sleep in it.

  10. #30

    Re: Strange Deputy (Insalaca) ??spelling??

    What a bunck arse lick puzzies u guys are. Airing the details of a fellow deputy on here for all the public to see. At first I wrote it was PBSO, then I have to realize it is just a few of you COWARDS on here. I would be glad for him if he did not have to work with some of you anymore. Are you all that perfect and never had a problem with your life? I sincerely hope he is right and karma comes back to strike you in the arse. Bunch of cowards and puzzies. So you don't like the guy, big deal. I can tell by your replies that you were trying to say his comments were threatening or he would not back you up. I personally know that is not true. Furthermore, I know why you keep posting here. You are too scared to say it to his face. Reality check. I am a delta unit from another agency and have been through battle with CI by my side. Everyone has problems. Be a man, either speak to him in person, or stop posting. Fin puzzy. Unbelievable. How much of a coward could you really be?

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