Why is it that people treat jailers different then other law enforcement officers? Even road patrol units seem to look down upon jailers at times, like they have not paid their dues yet. The fact is, being a jailer is a big job which most people dont want to do. Jailers make up more then half of a department at every County jail in the Country. Jailers are cooped up with the scum of the earth 8-10-12 hours a day, spend more time with the criminals then their family members.

So why treat them like they are being sentanced like the people we put in jail. Not only at HCSO but at other departments too, the commanders treat the jail like a whipping stick. Meaning, if you are in trouble for any reason while working in other departments, you will get sent to the jail as your punishment! WHAT KIND OF MESSAGE IS THIS SENDING TO JAILERS?!!? Can anyone answer how this will bring morale up if you work in the jail?