Hollywood Going to BSO - Page 2
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  1. #11

    Re: Hollywood Going to BSO

    Quote Originally Posted by Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Guest
    hey does anyone know what happens to the retirees who are collecting a pension if a city gets taken over by bso. how do they get paid if the officers are no longer paying into a pension plan.
    The plan becomes a closed plan until the last person dies. Up until then you get your check.
    Just curious about this. Where does the pension money come from that goes to pay the retirees? Does it come from the contract city or Browrd County or the State retirement system? It might be a tough financial burden for whoever has to pay the retirees with a lot of retirement funds losing quite a bit of money lately. I really dont know the numbers but if a city has 100 or so retirees collecting a pension it could cost millions of dollars a year just to pay them. I would think a city like Hollywood could possibly have a lot more than 100 retirees that are collecting a check each month.
    It comes from the city pension fund.

  2. #12

    Re: Hollywood Going to BSO

    Seminole PD is Hiring

  3. #13

    Re: Hollywood Going to BSO

    i think it would be great if you guys joined us. you would have more resources. chances to move anywhere in the county if one day you decided you needed a change from hollywood and our boss is pretty good. the money and retirement is good, though i ont know anything about yours and what would happen if you merged. i think we would be the largest agency in the state if you joined actually

  4. #14

    Re: Hollywood Going to BSO

    I was an ex-city cop who came to BSO on my own many years ago during KJ. I was stunned at first with how the once mighty BSO had been corrupted and watered down by a civilian sheriff like him

    During KJs tenure he managed to expand the agency in size 2 fold, and provided good equipment and room for advancement. But the downside was he split up "old school" cops and created a environment of fear and retaliation. He also gave civilians great amounts of power, and this created even more strain on the moral as civilians and deputies began to spar with each other.

    Now, the painful days are behind us and we have started to heal and get our "balls" back, and you can see that came just in time as violent crime is out of control and use of force , chases and shootings are on the rise..and AL stands behind us 100 pct letting us do our jobs.

    I know many Hwd cops and respect them for their style of work and would welcome you all into BSO. Strength is in numbers, and things are getting better here everyday.

    Don't let the scare tactics of the layoffs threat get to you, thats just typical contract tough talk and besides do you think AL will let deputies be laid off in this crime ridden climate we are in?

    Also , don't look to the BSO threads on here to gage the department either. These are usually the same 20 folks bashing each other, instead walk up to one in court or on the road and just talk to them.

    Taking over Hwd makes sense on all sides, you guys are trained, experienced and equipped already. Sure zones will be redone to maximize manpower and coverage, but your jobs will be secure and you can move around to other areas and get some fresh scenery in other cities.

  5. #15

    Re: Hollywood Going to BSO


  6. #16

    Re: Hollywood Going to BSO

    It is not about what the officers want. It is about money. Salaries and pensions have outpaced the cities income even when they build those high rise tenaments downtown. BSO will absorb the PD be able to provide service for less money than the costs presently are. It is a shame the department lost the support of its citizens with all the side shows not that BSO is any shining pillar either but the fact is the city has been in decline the last several years while the cost of having public safety is what is breaking the back of the general funds. The PBA is not relevant since they represent everything that is wrong with this department. Many of the young and energetic officers who have not been jaded by the Old Boys club will thrive in the larger environment. The old boys are the ones who will yelp the most. All their cushy side deals are going away. Probably not a bad thing for the department.

  7. #17

    Re: Hollywood Going to BSO

    I've been a Hollywood citizen for a very long time and this is about money, period. Not about how hpd officers or firefighters feel. HPD officer's and Fire fighters are not going to have much of a choice with the decision to merge. If the city is going to save a ton of money contracting services, then it will happen. Whether you are a Hollywood police officer or BSO deputy, the only thing that matters is the citizens of Hollywood and how the city commissioners can better serve them and save the city from bankruptcy. In fact, the commissioners can vote on the merger without a public vote, just like Pompano did.

    The union is out of place by trying to threaten the city commissioners from going to the memorial. Either the police and fire depts are going to have to take a big cut in pay and benefits or the merger will take place. Both Hollywood police and fire depts have been raping the city for so long and now someone finally woke up and said enough.

    The bottom line is money. So it doesn't matter what the officers or firefighters want. Remember, you are employees of the City of Hollywood so get over it and and do what's right for the city, not your pockets. This is simple mathematics.

    It's time for the police and fire to take responsibility like the rest of us and start thinking about the citizens of Hollywood. The only problem here is that the Hollywood police and fire depts don't want anyone watching them or controlling what they do. With the sheriff's Office, they can't do whatever they want so they are afraid. The services provided by the sheriff's office is no different than the services provided by the local depts. You don't have any better training and or certificates. If anything, you get more for your money with the sheriff's office.

    Goodbye ladies

  8. #18

    Re: Hollywood Going to BSO

    Quote Originally Posted by Hollywood Citizen
    I've been a Hollywood citizen for a very long time and this is about money, period. Not about how hpd officers or firefighters feel. HPD officer's and Fire fighters are not going to have much of a choice with the decision to merge. If the city is going to save a ton of money contracting services, then it will happen. Whether you are a Hollywood police officer or BSO deputy, the only thing that matters is the citizens of Hollywood and how the city commissioners can better serve them and save the city from bankruptcy. In fact, the commissioners can vote on the merger without a public vote, just like Pompano did.

    The union is out of place by trying to threaten the city commissioners from going to the memorial. Either the police and fire depts are going to have to take a big cut in pay and benefits or the merger will take place. Both Hollywood police and fire depts have been raping the city for so long and now someone finally woke up and said enough.

    The bottom line is money. So it doesn't matter what the officers or firefighters want. Remember, you are employees of the City of Hollywood so get over it and and do what's right for the city, not your pockets. This is simple mathematics.

    It's time for the police and fire to take responsibility like the rest of us and start thinking about the citizens of Hollywood. The only problem here is that the Hollywood police and fire depts don't want anyone watching them or controlling what they do. With the sheriff's Office, they can't do whatever they want so they are afraid. The services provided by the sheriff's office is no different than the services provided by the local depts. You don't have any better training and or certificates. If anything, you get more for your money with the sheriff's office.

    Goodbye ladies
    You are obviously one of Beam's Queens sent here to give the illusion that you are a common tax paying citizen without an agenda. Well, give it up pal, we all see through your silly effort. I have notice every time Beam is mentioned in an article about the police department, the same phenomenon happens. He has his little minions flood the blogs with propaganda bashing the police and union. I'm sure the sun sentinel writer who posted on this topic is not fooled either.

  9. #19

    Re: Hollywood Going to BSO

    I retired after 25 years in Law Enforcement in South Florida. Due to early pensions I was in my early 40's and thought I would never work again, espacially in Law Enforcement. After a few months, I got bored and reality set in, I soon realized that the only thing I knew how to do was be a COP. I escaped South Florida and moved to the Nashville, Tn area and took a job in Law Enforcement.

    In the mid 1970's the Nashville Police merged with the Davidson County Sheriff and formed one main Police Agency for Nashville, it is now called Metro Nashville Police. The Sheriff only handles the jails and corrections for the County. Metro Nashville Police handle the Police duties. With the exception of 3 or 4 smaller police depts in the County, Metro police is it for police service. There are several Precincts but they are always short and run call to call. The only thing that saves them is they are not as busy as South Florida. Now, 40 something years later the cities that gave up their police departments are unhappy with the lack of coverage and the rising crime rates. Metro Nashville does not answer to other city Mayors or Council members and really could care less about the lack of patrols in the more exclusive area when they are responding to hi crime areas all day. Their department morale is horrible and they have a high turnover and trouble recruiting. The pensions are half of South Florida's and the union is very weak.

    I hope this post acts as a crystal ball for the City of Hollywood and the city leaders think long and hard before giving up their Police Department. Do what is best for the residents and Officers of your city.

    All one has to do is look at this as an example of what not to do. Good luck and be safe.

  10. #20

    Re: Hollywood Going to BSO

    Quote Originally Posted by Hollywood Citizen
    I've been a Hollywood citizen for a very long time and this is about money, period. Not about how hpd officers or firefighters feel. HPD officer's and Fire fighters are not going to have much of a choice with the decision to merge. If the city is going to save a ton of money contracting services, then it will happen. Whether you are a Hollywood police officer or BSO deputy, the only thing that matters is the citizens of Hollywood and how the city commissioners can better serve them and save the city from bankruptcy. In fact, the commissioners can vote on the merger without a public vote, just like Pompano did.

    The union is out of place by trying to threaten the city commissioners from going to the memorial. Either the police and fire depts are going to have to take a big cut in pay and benefits or the merger will take place. Both Hollywood police and fire depts have been raping the city for so long and now someone finally woke up and said enough.

    The bottom line is money. So it doesn't matter what the officers or firefighters want. Remember, you are employees of the City of Hollywood so get over it and and do what's right for the city, not your pockets. This is simple mathematics.

    It's time for the police and fire to take responsibility like the rest of us and start thinking about the citizens of Hollywood. The only problem here is that the Hollywood police and fire depts don't want anyone watching them or controlling what they do. With the sheriff's Office, they can't do whatever they want so they are afraid. The services provided by the sheriff's office is no different than the services provided by the local depts. You don't have any better training and or certificates. If anything, you get more for your money with the sheriff's office.

    Goodbye ladies
    I agree with your comments and read the usual tough guy response from one of the PBA googans. What these guys fail to realize is it is the citizens who pay the taxes that get them paid. In the past, the corrupt mayor and commissioners who were taking union money to stay in office used to side with these people or else know they would face the same strong arm tactics that always play time and time again. Guess what? When you loose that support and the support of the citizens who live in the city, you need to get ready for change. It has been along time comming. The example set by the PBA is appalling and in reality, it is only a few goons who intimidate their brother officers and everyone else who dare get in their way.

    Go rent the Bad Lieutenant with Harvey Keitel. Then realize the characters these screen writers use to come up with their story lines is based on what we have here in this city.

    The Sheriff will have fun integrating this bunch.

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