How CCPD use to be - Page 2
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  1. #11

    Re: How CCPD use to be

    Quote Originally Posted by Guest
    Please please tell us more.
    Oh, there is SO MUCH MORE TO TELL....but I am not sure this is the place or medium to get the action needed to finally right the "SHIP" the Grand Jury was talking about in their report which said, "The Grand Jury finds that, commencing with March 24, 1986, until Februard 6, 1989, CCPD for all practical purposes was without a permanent leader, was in a state of constant change and turmoil, and can be likened to a rudderless SHIP adrift in high seas." The present Chief was a high ranking command officer at the time and did nothing to "right the ship." Maybe it will take another Grand Jury to weed out those that are holding the department back from becoming what the public deserves. Or maybe the public will build a fire under enough council members to serve notice on the CM that he made a big mistake in naming a police chief and either he either gets rid of him, or the CM goes. I am not in the practice of throwing rocks just to get execise, but carefully aiming those rocks to get maximum effect for the good of the fine officers of our department and the fine community in which we live.

    Murphy will take the department back three decades to the "good ole boys" days when he found the way to success by being the main enforcer for the "clique." He certainly did not do it by any honest police work! He stuck around all these years to accomplish one goal, that of gaining the ultimate power over every officers to shove his "weight" down there throats. Being passed over several times by city managers who had the sense to investigate him, he finally found a weak sister who he could charm in King. He probably figures he has laid low for long enough that his past wouldn't become an issue. I can remember the days when his face wasn't so red, but pale and gaunt as FBI agents swooped down on his high level executive friends and golfing buddies at Cape Coral Hospital for fraud and found a secondary violation of cocaine use on the many out-of-state golfing trips he used to accompany them on. Could it be that is why the FBI turned down his application for the FBI Academy?

    Yes, there is SO MUCH MORE TO TELL....maybe posting copies of CCPD Crime reports here where he is named in the "SUSPECT" box....or better yet to raise funds for the city, maybe just listing the C/R numbers and see the rush to records to get copies....oh, I forgot, as Chief, he will probably see they are pulled from the file...Thank God for copy machines! So this is today's edition...maybe more besides Guest will want more, and I'll consider all requests. He survived all this time by getting something on his enemies and holding it over their heads...He doesn't have anything to shut me up!

  2. #12

    Re: How CCPD use to be

    Quote Originally Posted by Guest
    Please please tell us more.
    Oh, there is SO MUCH MORE TO TELL....but I am not sure this is the place or medium to get the action needed to finally right the "SHIP" the Grand Jury was talking about in their report which said, "The Grand Jury finds that, commencing with March 24, 1986, until Februard 6, 1989, CCPD for all practical purposes was without a permanent leader, was in a state of constant change and turmoil, and can be likened to a rudderless SHIP adrift in high seas." The present Chief was a high ranking command officer at the time and did nothing to "right the ship." Maybe it will take another Grand Jury to weed out those that are holding the department back from becoming what the public deserves. Or maybe the public will build a fire under enough council members to serve notice on the CM that he made a big mistake in naming a police chief and either he either gets rid of him, or the CM goes. I am not in the practice of throwing rocks just to get execise, but carefully aiming those rocks to get maximum effect for the good of the fine officers of our department and the fine community in which we live.

    Murphy will take the department back three decades to the "good ole boys" days when he found the way to success by being the main enforcer for the "clique." He certainly did not do it by any honest police work! He stuck around all these years to accomplish one goal, that of gaining the ultimate power over every officers to shove his "weight" down there throats. Being passed over several times by city managers who had the sense to investigate him, he finally found a weak sister who he could charm in King. He probably figures he has laid low for long enough that his past wouldn't become an issue. I can remember the days when his face wasn't so red, but pale and gaunt as FBI agents swooped down on his high level executive friends and golfing buddies at Cape Coral Hospital for fraud and found a secondary violation of cocaine use on the many out-of-state golfing trips he used to accompany them on. Could it be that is why the FBI turned down his application for the FBI Academy?

    Yes, there is SO MUCH MORE TO TELL....maybe posting copies of CCPD Crime reports here where he is named in the "SUSPECT" box....or better yet to raise funds for the city, maybe just listing the C/R numbers and see the rush to records to get copies....oh, I forgot, as Chief, he will probably see they are pulled from the file...Thank God for copy machines! So this is today's edition...maybe more besides Guest will want more, and I'll consider all requests. He survived all this time by getting something on his enemies and holding it over their heads...He doesn't have anything to shut me up!

  3. #13

    Re: How CCPD use to be

    Hey NotClique you forgot to tell everyone about the prevert SGT who kept getting stopped by Ft Myers Police with hookers and a belly covered with joy jelly. Very strange how you never said a thing about that ****y Boy. Yes he retired, oh thats it he retired Wink Wink :roll: You have blamed everyone else for all your probelms wake up old man. You made me sick seeing you on the news talking about the court yard murders. Alot of hard working detectives worked their butts off on that case, you my friend no nothing. Lets investigate teenagers who were locked up out of state when that crime took place. You my friend no nothing about police work. Oh wait lets see where were you that night ? :|

  4. #14

    Re: How CCPD use to be

    Quote Originally Posted by Retired CCPD
    Hey NotClique you forgot to tell everyone about the prevert SGT who kept getting stopped by Ft Myers Police with hookers and a belly covered with joy jelly. Very strange how you never said a thing about that ****y Boy. Yes he retired, oh thats it he retired Wink Wink :roll: You have blamed everyone else for all your probelms wake up old man. You made me sick seeing you on the news talking about the court yard murders. Alot of hard working detectives worked their butts off on that case, you my friend no nothing. Lets investigate teenagers who were locked up out of state when that crime took place. You my friend no nothing about police work. Oh wait lets see where were you that night ? :|
    Hey SF, funny you brought up the TV interview about the Courtyard murders. Feeling kind of bad about not solving it and saying how detectives worked their butts off? You never worked hard on anything. You were a big joke as a detective and a police officer. You were part of an "elite" team of detectives that "fumbled over" the only two double murder cases STILL UNSOLVED in the city history after more than 20 years. And all you can do is libel and defame with reckless and untrue statements a Sgt. with a distinguished and dedicated career as a detective and supervisor. I hope he sues he sues you're a.. I will contact him and be sure he looks at this site. I watched the TV interview also, and I can understand that it made you sick to see a real detective come up with a possible solution to the case that should have been solved years ago. I understand he told you almost 20 years ago about that Juvenile suspect with good evidence. You say he was locked up out-of-state. Tell that to several CCPD officers who were chasing him less than three miles from the murder scene at the very time the call came in for the murders. You refer to him as a "teenager" like he couldn't possibly be responsible for the murders. Well, hard working detective, he killed a man in the same identical way, with bed linens over the face, only about THREE WEEKS AFTER THE COURTYARDS MURDERS, STEALING A WATCH FROM THE VICTIM'S WRIST, A FETISH OF THIS CRIMINAL. WHAT WAS TAKEN FROM THE COURTYARD SCENE?...OH, A WATCH. . Funny that there is no evidence that he was locked up. I know when he was locked up in Ga. when they were just holding him for us, and he had returned to the Cape. How do I know, that is what a good officer does, he keeps track of criminals. Where did you get the information? From his mother? Great detective work! How will you feel if his DNA turns out to match the crime scene? That's all I have to say about your highly slanderous post, trying to question the credibility of this highly commended and decorated retired detective and supervisor over a small mistake he made almost 20 years ago where no law was violated. You should be real proud of yourself. I'm sure Murph will be proud of you as he was your boss for most of the 20 years both double murders went unsolved.

  5. #15

    Re: How CCPD use to be

    Quote Originally Posted by Retired CCPD
    Hey NotClique you forgot to tell everyone about the prevert SGT who kept getting stopped by Ft Myers Police with hookers and a belly covered with joy jelly. Very strange how you never said a thing about that ****y Boy. Yes he retired, oh thats it he retired Wink Wink :roll: You have blamed everyone else for all your probelms wake up old man. You made me sick seeing you on the news talking about the court yard murders. Alot of hard working detectives worked their butts off on that case, you my friend no nothing. Lets investigate teenagers who were locked up out of state when that crime took place. You my friend no nothing about police work. Oh wait lets see where were you that night ? :|
    I found out at the FOP lastnight I was again the subject of untrue, slanderous statements by a reported retired officer, above, that does have the guts or credibility to post with his name. As I read his post, I would think it was one of the detective that botched big time the Cornell/Story double murder case 21 years ago. Most of the detectives who worked on the case I have respect for, but there are a couple that I don't. He brought up two items about me that I want to answer.

    1) I retired with full honors, both by the officers I supervised at a separate retirement party where they thanked me for all the years of help and service to them, and at a department luncheon where they recognized my "distinguished and dedicated" service to the CCPD and the citizens.

    2) Chief Rowe told the overflow crowd of officers at the city party, "**** has the largest personnel file I have ever seen, weighing 11 pounds, 10.35 of those pounds being commendations and comments about ****'s fine work. He didn't fit the pre-determined model of what we look for in a police officer. He is a unique individual, what we call a ‘right brain' person, who is extreme creative. Many of us get stuck in a mold, working within the dots, but ****'s success was being able to step back, assess a situation, think outside the lines and dots, and come up with a solution. **** Wylie has made a tremendous influence on this department. He has left a legacy that won't soon be forgotten." Then he handed me the plaque as a "small form of recognition for such a large contribution to the department and the city." Such an intelligent, honorable man of police science doesn't plan an event and say those things about an officer that has done such a terrible thing to discredit himself or the department.

    3) That officially ended more than 40 years of a professional work life, dedicated to helping ordinary citizens in my two chosen careers that had as their basis, investigation, photography, interviews, and many other related items at crime scenes and professional police supervision. As an Investigative Newsman/Photographer in the Chicago area, my work was used internationally, winner of major awards, in major detective and LIFE magazine, 1966 TV Emmy Award winner for Fox WFLD-TV, 1978 CCPD/Kiwanis Officer of the Year, 1979 CCPD/Optimist International Law Enforcement Award. In that period, I personally saved the lives of 7 children in three events, 2 from the middle of Lake Michigan, 4 tiny infants in a raging tenement house fire, and a 13 month old girl I brought back by CPR after drowning in her pool here.

    4) Quoting four of the men who knew me best, Elmer Jacobsen, Dir. NW Indiana Crime Commission, "he has consistently demonstrated uncommon courage, resourcefulness, and tenacity in the pursuit of his work. He has often and generously shared with this Crime Commission much of his time and information;" Gary (IN) Police Chief James Hilton, "I have known Mr. Wylie for many years. In my opinion he is of high moral character, you will find him capable, loyal, and a man of impeccable integrity;" Det/Lt. Roger Butler, CCPD, "Det. Wylie is one of the most devoted police officers in the profession. He had the highest conviction rate in the detective division;" Chief James White, CCPD, "a 40 hour week means nothing to him. He works around the clock and sometimes has to be told to take time off. There was no question this year who would be Officer of the Year. Wylie is very dedicated to his profession and well deserving of this award and honor,"

    5) With that background above, I found myself to be a very real threat to real powers that ran the CCPD, a basically, morally corrupt bunch of officers and high level brass, termed a "clique" by many officers who resigned after not being able to put up with the treatment they received in many areas of their jobs. I loved law enforcement, investigation, and service to the community so I stayed and fought them, hoping there was room for an honest officer and supervisor on the department who would back honest officers in their pursuit to serve the citizens. I put up with the worst kind of harassment you could imagine for more than the last ten years of my service, marked by a statement by the leader of the "clique" to an officer right in front of me, "Wylie has no price!" He didn't say it as a compliment, but I took it that way in my determination to fight for a better and more honest department. Then came the IA's, officers who later would go to prison, going out and getting false statements from girls for sexual harassment against me, which failed after one wrote a letter to me apologizing for lying and the other woman wouldn't take a lie detector test. Then came another charging I released information to the media without authorization that failed when Lt. Butler came forward and disclosed he had given me permission. Much of this was engineered by the city manager after I was brought back from patrol to head a major investigation of city departments for corruption, bribes, and malfeasance, which resulted in a 28 count charge against the director of the park department, a 30 count charge against a prominent Cape attorney who sat on a city board, and a threat by FEMA to the city manager to cut off all federal flood insurance for the city after I found he approved construction of a large condo project in a flood zone. I was then taken off and the investigation closed down by new Chief Vines when I had many more targets for felony violations.

    6) Suffering from major depression episodes, and under doctor's care, brought about by the many years of harassment on the job I loved and tried to work honestly, and a personal relationship break-up, I picked up a female hitch-hiker in Ft. Myers one early evening before dark. Longing for some female companionship to talk with, we parked right out in the open near the river. Ft. Myers police officers came up while we were talking, and accused me of being with a known prostitute. (Tina Vaught had never been arrested/convicted of prostitution, with only one arrest for trespassing on record) Officers made a strictly illegal search of my car which yielded nothing and when I objected on the grounds I knew the law as a police officer, they asked for ID. I showed them, and they told me to take the girl back to where I picked her up and they would "keep the incident between us," which I did not ask for. Of course they didn't, Capt. Murphy was notified, and instead of turning it over to IA Lt. John Randall for investigation,
    which has always been protocol, this long-time member of the "clique" and personal antagonist with me started the investigation himself. I didn't violate any laws. The three officers and their supervisor were quoted in the later CCPD IA (done by Capt. Murphy) as saying, "In speaking with the officers and their supervisor, the actions as observed by them would NOT have led to an arrest for violation of Section 796.07, Florida Statutes, entitled Prohibiting Prostitution." At the time the FMPD officers came up, I was making arrangements to help this 19 year old female and her less than year old, sick daughter. I was arranging to meet her at the Greyhound bus station in the morning so I could buy her a ticket back home to NH to live with her parents to get her off the streets down here and away from a criminal boyfriend in jail. Even at the time I was doing something that led to my decision to retire, I was trying to help a person set their life straight.

    7)Capt. Murphy's investigation charged two allegation, Conduct unbecoming an Officer and Criminal Conduct by an Officer. To start with, CCPD Chief Vines had issued a statement in writing that what an officer does on his off-duty time, not in uniform, that is not a violation of law, is of no concern for the police department. That should have taken care of the first allegation on it's face;. Secondly, if the 3 police officers who were involved, and their supervisor determined that no arrest could have been made because they didn't have any evidence that a law was violated, how could I be found guilty of the second allegation? I will tell you how. It is as old as the CCPD, when they want to "get someone" they can do anything. When you have moral creeps like Capt. WA, sitting as head of a two person Command Board, a high-ranking member of the "clique," it is easy. Present members of CCPD take note,you could be next. The Grand Jury wrote just two years before Capt. WA "should be terminated immediately" because of lack of credibility under oath and allowing the VIN unit to become a criminal entity that borrowed cocaine from Sanibel PD and returned baking powder; used illegal drugs with informants; provided alcohol and drugs to an underage girl while having sex with her in uniform, on-duty, in a police vehicle while she was "miked up" by the state attorney's office, believe me, they can do anything they want. Three of his officers were indicted and convicted of felonies. Yet he could recommend termination for me! Do you suppose there could have been a personal reason, like he was replaced on the city investigation by me after Lt. Butler found he was leaking information to city department heads to gain favors for himself? Capt. WA rose from detective, to Sgt, to Lt, to Capt., faster than anyone in the history of the CCPD after he was removed from the city investigation, and they zeroed in to "get" me..

    8) I have my doubts as to whether Chief Rowe would have followed the recommendation to fire me with my clean record of 16 years, with only one two day suspension for a prank with other officers one night, including Murphy, who also was suspended. I got 2 days because I don't drink and was the only one sober, while the rest only got one day because they were drunk. Now go figure that. However, the 6-7 years since I made enemies on an honest city investigation resulted in an unimaginable harassment which had taken its toll on me mentally and physically. I was sick of working under the trash I had to bow down to. I had just built a house so I could take care of my terminally ill, cancer stricken mother of 85 years to live with me. This investigation was killing her faster. I had a proud son on our fire department, a third generation of honorable public servant who would be hurt immensely by the investigation, as was my daughter-in-law, also a member of the CCPD. I had been working a side job in photography for more than 20 years with the Board of Realtors and I figured with that income and pension, I could make it as a single man. Of course, the trash on the CCPD had to extract the last piece of flesh they could and I found myself fired from that position at the same time of my retirement. I know that because Capt. Murphy and Capt. Austen made so much more of this incident than it deserved, I felt my life on the department would be even more terrible if I stayed. I was ready for retirement and taking care of my wonderful mother full time. I wanted also to travel. I wanted to complete a book on my interesting life. I wanted to spend more time with people I loved and loved me instead of people like the liar who wrote under "retired CCPD" and the members of the "clique." I don't mind saying I lost, they won, but with the caveat of a boxer who undergoes round after round of very punishing low blows without the help of anyone coming to his aid to stop the illegal action against him. I was tired, sick, and hurting very much. This police department was worse than even most agencies in the Chicago/Calumet area where I spent many years, my father retired from, and his long time squad car partner and my surrogate brother died in my arms after being shot 7 times in the chest. I went to Chief Rowe and told him how I felt, and that I wanted to save him from a major decision and retire. He thanked me very much for my service and wished me the best. He even set up a paid leave period for more than two months to take me to my anniversary date in October so I could take advantage of a 2 year buyout on my pension benefits. (Hardly the action of a Chief toward someone who did something so wrong) He told me they would throw a nice retirement party for me in October, "after this all dies down" (again, hardly a punishment statement) and he said that while he couldn't cover up anything about the investigation, they weren't going to notify the media of the retirement or the investigation. Of course, he didn't have to, the "clique" would take care of that, as I was hardly home from the station before Murphy was on the phone saying "someone dropped a dime on you and I had a call from WINK-TV. CCPD has always been run by two entities, a Chief and the "clique." As a 42 year resident of the city, I was here the first day of the department. In 1976, I did an investigative newspaper series on a black man sentenced to death in a Lee courtroom by an all-white jury, which proved him innocent. A nationally famed attorney used my evidence and conclusions to win his permanent freedom at the Florida Supreme Court level. Chief White called me in an offered me a job with a promise for the first detective position available, a promise he kept in the first year. A real difference between that and the way Jay Murphy was hired two years later. Yes, Jay, there are still a few of us around that remember the Leitch case. I am proud of my service, but apologize to the citizens that I was not able to continue to serve because of a 20 minute lapse in judgement in my 77 years of life, even though I did not commit a law violation or even a violation of department regulations..

    9)A warning to some officers still on the CCPD. What happened to me could happen to you. My attorney at the time brought up with me the other officers on the department that were in violation of at least two state statutes which fall into the same category of "moral turpitude" as the prostitution statute, with the same second degree misdemeanor penalty. They are 798.01, (Adultery) and 798.02 (Cohabitation). At the time of my IA, several officers, including
    ranking brass, were in violation of these statutes daily. If I had been fired instead of retiring, my attorney was ready to take the case to court and bring out this selective prosecution of one member while they allowed others to live daily in violation of similar state law. I couldn't let that happen as some of these people were among my best friends.

    10) Let's now look at the slanderous, libelous, and highly defamatory statement of lies posted by "retired CCPD." He starts by identifying me as a "pervert SGT". (There is nothing "perverted" about a man spending time with a woman, even IF an act of normal sex takes place, and even IF money is exchanged in violation of a law, there is nothing "perverted" about that.) Then he says, "who kept getting stopped by Ft. Myers Police with hookers" (This was the only time I had any connection with a "stop" by FMPD in my 42 years in Lee County, 27 of those as a civilian. This is a blatant lie and constitutes a crime and civil actionable.) Then he makes a claim that I had a "belly covered with joy jelly" (This is another blatant lie and constitutes a crime and civil actionable . The only time described above, I was fully clothed. Officers who made the illegal search of my car found a container of hand cream, hardly a crime) Oh, by the way, two officers searching a car and didn't find two loaded handguns, one in the driver's door and the other under the driver's seat, are a real asset to any PD. Then he goes into my investigation into the Courtyards double-murder case and my recent TV news appearance. I will go into that more later. However, I had to laugh about his statement, "You my friend no (really an intelligent person, doesn't "know" the difference between "know" and "no") nothing about police work." (In my first 20 years up north I was on the scene taking evidence photos, statements, etc., of more murders in any one year than the entire CCPD detective division combined in all the years on the dept). And as far as "police work" in general, I will put my credentials up against his anytime, all he has to do is have the intestinal fortitude to come out from behind his fictitious name in posting, something most cowards won't do. And as far as IQ and qualifications, in 1955 I was the youngest applicant every chosen to attend the Indiana State Police Academy at IU as one of only 71 of 3,500 applicants)

    11) "Retired CCPD" finished up with a statement that could be considered accusatory or just showing his ignorance, but should be cleared up now. He said, "Oh wait lets see where were you that night? " (I take it he means the night of the murders). Well, I was at 28th Terrace and 10th Place in my squad car waiting for what I think NOW was the killer of the two victims to come out of the canal he jumped into escape the other CCPD officers on the other side. We did not know of the murders at that time, only chasing him after he was discovered trying to steal a car, when I got the call to the murders. I was the first officer up the stairs to find the bodies, accompanied by Lt. Kinzler. I was the first officer to question the mother, Jan Cornell at the scene. I was the first officer to find out about the country-western cassette tapes the mother said the killer must had played while he lingered in the apartment. I was the first officer to accompany the mother into the kitchen to find the four photos on the ironing board. I was the first officer to hear from the mother how she found the sliding glass door open when she entered. I was the supervisor who set up the road blocks surrounding the complex to question cars leaving that morning. I was the supervisor who went to the two all-night convenient stores within a half-mile of the scene and found they both had surveillance camera tapes of the hours in question and asked them to secure the tapes for pickup by detectives, then went back to the scene and told Capt. Murphy to have detectives pick up the tapes. I think I know who you are, so why didn't you pick them up while working your butt off on the case? Oh, Capt. Murphy didn't tell you? Shame on Capt. Murphy. Don't you think those tapes may contain the killer? Maybe the killer stopped for a beer, gas, cigarettes, coffee, etc. How about later when a questioning a suspect and he claims he has an alibi, that he was somewhere else. Don't you think it would be nice to show him his photo at a certain time within mere yards of the murder scene? Does that sound like I don't know anything about police work? Now, 20 years later, police look for every piece of video tape from surveillance cameras near the scene of most every serious crime.( I knew back then how important photography is to police work having been doing it professional for 40 years, being qualified as an "expert witness" in photography in many courts. I even set up a video camera in my squad car a decade before video cameras were installed in police cars. ) And then I went to the station and typed out my statement for detectives as to my involvement at the scene, and made out the original Crime Report of the murders. Now this great member of the detective team that worked their butts off knows where I was that night, which apparently he missed in the files. Maybe they lost my statement as to where I was, like a suspect's hair taken from the little girl and the hair Det. Fronk vacuumed from a bed of a suspect which was lost in the case. Oh, I forgot to ask you, when are you going to bring the killer to court? The killer you detectives told me you know who did it and it was just a matter of time before you find him because he moved out of town. Didn't you guys find him in Texas and go there but it wasn't him? I've waited almost 21 years. You had your chance.

    12) I feel sorry for Kurt and Christy having to work with a case so screwed up from the start. In February I met with Chief Murphy for more than two hours and volunteered to come back and work free of compensation with them to solve the case. Last summer I tried to cooperate with Kurt and Christy when I met with them before heading to the UP of Michigan to find another suspect I developed there. Of course, Chief Murphy couldn't let me see the case file and refused my offer. I might have found the cover sheet prepared by the CCPD crime analyst, entitled, "DRUG FOLDER," complete with page numbers of about 3,000 pages of copies of sworn statements by individuals taken by detectives. It purports to show ties between the apartment and/or certain occupants and former occupants with up to 10 years of marijuana, cocaine, Quaalude, crack, and Valium, drug use and dealing. Then I might ask the obvious, where the 3,000 pages of copies are to look up the page numbers from the statements. What? You must be kidding! They have been destroyed by "hard working detectives working their butts off, Wasn't that evidence? My, my, is there any doubt why the Chief doesn't want me anywhere near that file for when I was a police officer destroying evidence in a murder case was a serious crime, even more serious than sitting in a car with a girl somebody said was a prostitute. I understand at least three names on the sheet were CC Hospital employees. Lets see, Cocaine, CC Hospital, Employees, Oh, I remember now, that was front page news in the 90's when the FBI was indicting and imprisoning Chief Murphy's golfing buddies for fraud, you remember, the ones that reportedly ran around with complimentary miniature CCPD badges in their wallets but had no official capacity with the department. Even though the FBI investigation was for fraud, they found the golfers were using cocaine, bought with hospital x-ray silver, especially on their many out-of-town golf trips parties. Maybe Chief Murphy will tell the public how many golf trips he went on with them, paid for by them. Big time hospital executives I wouldn't think would go down to MLK to buy drugs off the corner, especially when they might be available just down the hallway from there offices. No worry about getting arrested, or being mugged, and after all they might be helping employees who are dependant upon them for their jobs and will keep quiet. One person I recently interviewed told me about of one of the hospital employees whose name appears on the CCPD "DRUG FOLDER" cover sheet, who lived with him, coming home and accidently dropping hundreds of pills on the floor. Immediately he connected the large number of pills with the number of uncouth, rough type men who would "stop by" to see her, and ordered her to find a new place to live. According to the cover sheet, a close and long-time friend of the same hospital employee told CCPD about the murders, that "I can say with XXXX that I can see where it could be a drug related crime."

    13) If you are still reading, it might seem very plain why after 19 years of retirement Chief Murphy and other members of the CCPD are reviving the only flaw on my distinguished record of service to embarrass me, to shut me up, and to discredit me as "not credible" like he told a reporter from Fox4. It is plain to me. Also plain is why for 21 years the public hasn't been told this was undoubtedly a drug connected crime, that the apartment was targeted, and that the only ransacking was in one bedroom of large drawers and closets when medium or large objects may be stored/hidden, not looking for or taking small jewelry items. The CCPD detective division under Capt. Murphy deceived the producers of the major crime solving TV program, America's Most Wanted three different times, telling the public it was done by a sexual deviate "rapist" who killed the women, without a word about the drug angle. There was NO RAPE! A rapist gets his thrills out of the conquest, control, struggle, inflicting fear and pain, and many other demeaning things he does to torture women victims. These victims were attacked with an object found in the apartment "after death," obvious to make it look like a sex crime. Florida law would not even allow a suspect to be charged with "rape" where the victim is a dead body The four photos of the 11 year old victim and her older sister were laid on the ironing board by the killer obviously as a message to the mother for revenge or retaliation, and the mother obviously got this message as she related it to me. Yet millions of TV viewers came away from the TV screen three times looking for a sex deviate, not a drug crazed burglar.

    In conclusion, this all came up because I care enough about the citizens of Cape Coral and Lee County that when Chief Murphy turned down my offer, I reverted back to my thoughts about the power of the media and went to Fox4 to offer my services. A killer is still on the streets. All of these retired detectives from the case are too busy working their butts off writing slanderous lies about a brother officer to volunteer to help solve this case. My 1966 TV Emmy award winning investigative reporting on the nationally baffling case of three teen girls from Chicago, who disappeared from an Indiana lakefront beach filled with 9,000 people, made me plenty qualified to work with them. I promised the parents of those girls I would never let the case die. Last summer I went to Indiana and brought my 44 year investigation to a successful end when the Fox station in Indianapolis interviewed me and I disclosed not only the reason for the disappearance but also the identification of the murderer of them. Maybe some day we will get a police chief appointed who will put the citizen's safety first. When this killer, who is now out of prison, kills again, I will be back here telling you, "I told you so." I predicted in a statement during an IA brought against me by his mother for laughing at him outside a courtroom, that he would kill within months of a murder he committed. Yes, "retired CCPD" I did want you to "investigate a teenager." A teenage killer who committed the same type murder, using bed linens over the face, and stealing a watch, his favorite fetish, ONLY 23 DAYS AFTER THIS DOUBLE MURDER. WE WERE CHASING HIM ON FOOT AND INTO THE CANAL ONLY THREE MILES FROM THE MURDER SCENE AT THE TIME I GOT THE FIRST CALL TO THE "2 SIGNAL 5's" HE WAS IN A NEIGHBOR'S GARAGE TRYING TO STEAL A CAR, BEFORE FLEEING WHEN THE NEIGHBOR SURPRISED HIM. HE ALWAYS STOLE A CAR TO FLEE TOWN AFTER COMMITTING A SERIOUS CRIME. HE STOLE A CAR AFTER THE MURDER HE COMMITTED 23 DAYS AFTER OUR MURDERS AND DROVE BACK HERE WHERE WE ARRESTED HIM. BUT "RETIRED CCPD" MADE FUN OF ME FOR WANTING THEM TO "INVESTIGATE A TEENAGER." HE FORGOT ONE WORD, I WANTED HIM TO "INVESTIGATE A TEENAGE KILLER." WHO DOESN'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT POLICE WORK? YOU BE THE JUDGE. I TRUST "MOST" OF MY BROTHER OFFICERS. THANKS FOR ALLOWING ME TO TELL MY SIDE OF THE STORY HERE

  6. #16

    Re: How CCPD use to be

    I guess retired Asst. Chief T.E had alot to do with this case as well.

  7. #17

    Re: How CCPD use to be

    ****, If you wish to talk about this case feel free to contact me in my office tomorrow. I would ask though, that you do not discuss issues of an open/active case in a public forum. You may not be aware of all the evidence that has been involved in this case and what angles are/have been looked at. Thank you. Sgt. Steve Barnes Major Crimes Unit

  8. #18

    Re: How CCPD use to be

    Thanks you very much for your invitation. I will have to think about it, so it won't be tomorrow. It is good to know that people I always thought well of like you would come forward with such an offer. One reason I have to think about is protecting you, as I am not bound by the prohibition of talking about an "open case" but would never want you to be accused of telling me anything. I think you know the grief I have experienced with certain members for years, and to bring up the minor incident of 19 years ago to shut me up is lower than a man would expect from other police professionals. It got so bad Jan Cornell told FOX4 that I had been arrested with a prostitute. I also would want to know this meeting would be approved by Chief Murphy as you still have to live with him, and believe me, crossing him will not be good for your career. He turned down my offer to help in March. And lastnight at FOP, Kurt, who always been a friend, treated me very unprofessionally in front of the entire membership, accusing me of something I had no control over with Fox4. As far as my discussing the case on this forum, I didn't even know about LEO until a couple of days ago, and my long post was just answering a slanderous, personal attack on me, mentioning this case. It is not and never was my intention of doing anything to hinder the case. My reasons have always been to help, and I have come to every detective that worked on this case through the years with my information, including Kurt and Christy for more than a year. Steve, please do not think because I am not jumping at the chance to meet with you it has anything to do with my respect for you, but I have just had it with Murphy and his attitude toward my heartfelt desire to help the CCPD solve this case. I got used to dealing with him for years where he was so unfair with me, but I never thought in his new position he would be unfair to the citizens of the city. And then when I have to read on a public forum the outright lies and name calling posted by "retired CCPD" I have to think it is all coming from him. All I asked for was to work with a honorable and honest cop to help solve it. You would more than qualify in that respect. Right now I am hurt once again by the one incident they have used for 19 years to strip most of my flesh, and I guess they still are satisfied. I told the absolute truth back then, even against my attorney wishes, I did the honorable and retired instead of fighting it, and still Murphy says I'm not "credible." I'm afraid meeting with you will hurt you without the assurance Murphy wants the meeting. You know how to reach me anytime. It would be nice to see you again anyway. I ran into your wife about a year ago at Walmart.

  9. #19

    Re: How CCPD use to be

    Sgt. W - from one of those who respected the work you did and still has respect for you, I can tell you that I've heard that the fat man does come on here and post anonymously and it couldn't surprise me at all if that's exactly what happened.

    Don't bother dialoging on this dirty forum. It's a waste of time. Let it all roll off. Anyone can be an anonymous internet badass.

  10. #20

    Re: How CCPD use to be

    Quote Originally Posted by Probably was him
    Sgt. W - from one of those who respected the work you did and still has respect for you, I can tell you that I've heard that the fat man does come on here and post anonymously and it couldn't surprise me at all if that's exactly what happened.

    Don't bother dialoging on this dirty forum. It's a waste of time. Let it all roll off. Anyone can be an anonymous internet badass.
    Thank you for your kind message of support. I have "lived" law enforcement from the day I was born to a HONEST police father who taught me from the start never to surrender my honesty, integrity, or principles just for preferential treatment for myself. The CCPD was just NOT a job for me, it was a calling from God to help others. As Cheif Rowe so aptly summed up my personnel file at the retirement party, I think I succeeded. However, in fighting the "clique" I made some enemies. They knew that I wouldn't cover up anything wrong, so I was a threat. My father retired as a Sgt. Although I never had any problem with testing, being one of only 71 to pass all the rigid testing for the Indiana State Police academy out of 3,500, at 21, I never took the Lt's test at CCPD for three reasons. The first, never wanted to go beyond my father's rank; secondly, I was not cut out to "drive" a desk in an office surrounded by staff that spent their time trying to figure out how to screw the "officer of their day" they didn't like; and thirdly, I thought as an older supervisor who had the vast experience I had in the big cities up north I might be able to teach HONEST police work to some of the younger officers. (I was so proud of my apparent success shown by those men at the separate retirement party thrown for me at Labairs house) I didn't have to watch the "trash" of the "clique" sneaking out the side doors like I saw at the city party. I guess they came only to make sure they succeeded). I WAS DEVOTED TO EVERY PATROL OFFICER WHO WORKED "WITH ME," AND NOT CONSIDERED THEM WORKING "UNDER ME." I WAS THE ONE WHO BROUGHT THE FOP TO CAPE CORAL TWICE, AND SIGNED PROUDLY OUR CHARTER. CHIEF MURPHY WAS AN OUTSPOKEN FOE OF FOP, NEVER HAVING JOINED ALONG WITH OTHER MEMBERS OF THE "CLIQUE", AND IS THE ABSOLUTE ENEMY OF THE FOP AND EVERY HONEST OFFICER ON THE DEPARTMENT. HE LIVES IN A ELITE WORLD MARKED BY BLOWING SMOKE UP POLITICIAN'S A...S AND DOING FAVORS FOR PROMINENT PEOPLE THAT CAN HELP HIM LATER. IT IS NO WONDER I AM HATED BY THOSE FEW OFFICERS WHO HAVE ALWAYS CARRIED THE WATER FOR HIM!
    I have watched his tactics since his police reserve days. There was good reason why they passed him up several times prior as Chief, and he knows that I know the reasons, which makes me still Number 1 on his 10 MOST WANTED. I guess this time the CM threw the citizens to the wolves for the sake of a few dollars. THEY WILL BE SORRY!

    THANK YOU AGAIN FOR YOUR KIND WORDS. At 77, and still fighting, they brought tears to my eyes to know that there are still a few left out there who knew the real me, my compassion for their welfare, my love of LE, and my courage to stand up to other supervisors when they were wrong in punishing an officer. Your words will go far in erasing the lying, slanderous personal attack on me for no reason here. I didn't know of the site until a couple of days ago and came on to engage in some positive communication with "professional police officers." I will definitely think about your suggestion of going off this site. It is not worth the heartache sought by that few who still hate me for my honesty and integrity which was a detriment to their plans to run the department as a dictatorship. "

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