What is wrong with your Lt? - Page 4
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  1. #31

    Re: What is wrong with your Lt?

    Dead silence. The real truth hurts.

  2. #32

    Re: What is wrong with your Lt?

    I'm sorry and yall can throw tomatoes at me if ya want to but I've read up on Lt. Schrader all the way back to 2003 and here's what I have found out.

    When city officials were going to reduce retirement benefits for police officers, Schrader stood up for his brothers and fought the city.

    Schrader was pro union and this is probably why.

    When the Wilsons (felons in cop clothing) were caught lying, cheating and stealing from the dept and were not fired...Schrader expressed his disappointment with the third floor....butting heads with the chief.

    Schrader's wife was cheating on him while they were married. With who I'm not sure but I do have an idea from all I have read.

    Schrader was willing to forgiver her because he did love her.

    Schrader's ex wife just happened to have a boyfriend who was an ADA.

    Schrader was arrested and jailed for a misdemeanor while felons like Arly Smith and the Wilson team walked.

    Schrader tries to leave Polk County (and all the publicity) behind him to get a new job and start over but gets re-arrested on a VOP for leaving the state. Again....the original charge was a misdemeanor.


    Was Schrader a bad cop? Or was Schrader railroaded?

    Personally, I think he just didn't have the right "friends" at the Polk County SAO. And thats the truth. (hurts don't it)

  3. #33

    Re: What is wrong with your Lt?

    Here we go again, another supporter for a "bad" cop who has ONLY been arrested TWICE for misdemeanors. Give me a break this guy has a real character defect and had no business being a law enforcement officer. Yet the previous poster attributes Schrader's behavior to his wife cheating on him. How many guys have had their wife cheat on them or worse and yet did not get themselves arrested for two MISDEMEANORS as a result of their wives' actions. Get real place the blame where it really belongs and that is on Schrader. Lakeland PD is better off without him representing them. It is difficult to believe the number of LPD officers who still support this guy. I guess his ex-wife is responsible for his two probation violations also.

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