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Thread: Cellphone Ban

  1. #21

    Smile Re: Cellphone Ban

    Are inter-department relationships allowed?

  2. #22

    Re: Cellphone Ban

    Of course just ask Major MM he's had several

  3. #23

    Re: Cellphone Ban

    And his latest seems to be getting preferential treatment. How long can someone sick or injured be assigned to TRU without being forced out? She has worked up there for nearly 2 years. I thought it was 1 year for a non-work related illness or injury. The reason she's up there is not work related.

  4. #24

    Re: Cellphone Ban

    Who cares about what two people are seeing each other, grow up.

  5. #25

    Re: Cellphone Ban

    It's called fraternization, and is frowned upon in the work place. It leads to preferential treatment like the example above. Others are forced out the door when they can't do the job, whether it is work-related or not. Yet, his live-in girlfriend has been in TRU 2 years for something that isn't work related! And she spends most of her time on the phone with him if he isn't "just passing through" TRU, which he seems to do 3 times a day.

    You are the reason the crap keeps going on in this department. "Growing up" has nothing to do with the problems going on in this department, and "Get over it" is not the solution.

  6. #26

    Re: Cellphone Ban

    That's the whole problem: Officers in this dept turn a blind eye to the crap that goes on until it directly affects them. Then they want to know why no one is doing anything about it, but it's too late. What MM and his girl are doing are wrong because other officers have been forced out of the dept due to work-related injuries in less time than she's done in TRU, and her's isn't work-related! And the only reason she's getting away with it is because she's living with a major (and we all know how & why he jumped from Sgt to Major).

  7. #27
    Senior Member LEO Affairs Corporal
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    Re: Cellphone Ban

    Not to mention Foster's stellar professionalism

  8. #28

    Maj McKinney a weak link

    All Matt M did to jump over the Lt rank - God knows he couldn't pass a test! - was 1)shovel gossip and info from Sgt Al White and his other sneaky rats while in Vice & Narcotics to Sgt Dente who fed it up the chain; 2) screw over detectives trying to get illegal drugs out of the hands of coalition friends; and 3) take a phonics class. He was picked without the basis of merit, knowledge or police skills and put in a staff position so he could one day replace Cornbread. Gotta keep those minority stats warm.

    Now his out of control libido has swoll up to match his equally big ego, he is defying more rules while grinning all the while telling more qualified folk what to do. Examples are just tooooooo easy to provide.

    Can't wait for Mattie to try and make an in the field decision that needs a mind that can see the big picture. Can you say liability? Negligent retention?

  9. #29

    Re: Cellphone Ban

    What in-the-field decision? He'll be like Cornbread: Never leave the office (unless it's for a liason during the work day like he does now), or to go to lunch. He didn't make decisions while at V & N.

  10. #30

    Maj McKinney gets F in competency

    The biggest decision McKinney makes is which ECW to f*** or which plate of Ass't Chief Williams sh*t to eat when he's sucking up or which Sgt or Lt to f*** over for not being more stupid than him. When he's not making ignorant choices, he's making SOP blunders. But that's the least of his issues. He better start reading Florida statutes cuz he's proven he's not too familiar with them either.

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