That useless Air Unit! - Page 13
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  1. #121

    Re: That useless Air Unit!

    Quote Originally Posted by Guest
    A small slow moving fixed winged aircraft works just as good with a flir and is mucho cheaper to operated.

    Instead of throwing out the baby with the bath water, the Sheriff should consider selling the helos, take that money to purchase a small plane and retain one of the pilots and one spotter at a significant saving. Determine what is the highest need for air service time is and assign a work schedule accordingly.

    Give the other pilot the option of staying on as a deputy and once he completes the mandatory CJST assign him to a job where he can also be on call to fly if the primary pilot is unable to for any reason. When and if he flys, give him "flight pay" for the extra duty.
    And just what is the response time to a pursuit or armed robbery for a fixed wing airplane compared to a helicopter?

  2. #122

    Re: That useless Air Unit!

    Quote Originally Posted by Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by v
    Quote Originally Posted by Guest
    March 1 won’t get here soon enough. Then maybe all the pleading to please, please reconsider and save the helos and the plum assignments we love will cease.
    All the redundant post about all the “wonderful” and great things they did is getting boring and serving no purpose but to make those posting come on like cry babies and braggarts. We managed to somehow get along without them before McNesby and somehow we’ll manage to get the job done without them and him.
    You know it's "Dummies" like you that sit home in your warm home, without a worry because of what your LEO's are doing to protect you and your family, in front of your computer making redundant stupid post about something that could one day have prevented you from being in a bad or tragic situation. You don't mind taking advantage of the services that law enforcement provide but, you will be the first to cry out if you are put in a bad or tragic situation that they could have done more. If that should ever come to happen then you then I can honestly say that I wouldn't have any sympathy for people like you. But if it were reversed and the advancing technology to help law enforcement had happened to have a good outcome then you would be the first to go 180 degrees and become a proponent for getting all the necessary tools law enforcement needs at any cost to provide you with a level of service that would protect you and your family.
    And it's "dummies" like you that give us LEO's a bad name!

    No my friend. It's total and complete idiots like you, your horrible math and worthless posts that give LEO's a bad name. Retire've worn out your usefulness.
    This is my first post in this section of this please think before you speak. You don't know me, pal. As I said, it's people like you who give LEO's a bad name. Learn not to assume, that's a bad habit to break (and I sure hope you don't do that while at work)! Not all GUEST's are the same person.

    I am woman, hear me roar!! :lol: :wink:
    Go figure...a woman. So do you work in civil and call in sick due to "bloating" which makes it difficult to wear a gun belt? Wait....maybe you work in warrants and call in sick because you're just sick of actually having to do what little work is required of you. Then again you could be the female patrol deputy that just had to be transferred to investigations because here back hurts while riding in the patrol car. Hold on....are you the deputy that called her mother and advised her to tell little brother to "run boy run...I just heard on my radio that my po po friends are coming to serve that warrant." Of course that's just the tip of the iceberg with that particular deputy. Let's could even be a Sgt. assigned to a day shift on the north end that has slept with or married half the damn department. At any rate your opinion is little use to those of us forced to work with you.

    I am man, see me work while she roars about bloating, backaches and whatever else may be bothering her at that moment.

  3. #123

    Re: That useless Air Unit!

    Quote Originally Posted by Guest
    March 1 won’t get here soon enough. Then maybe all the pleading to please, please reconsider and save the helos and the plum assignments we love will cease.
    All the redundant post about all the “wonderful” and great things they did is getting boring and serving no purpose but to make those posting come on like cry babies and braggarts. We managed to somehow get along without them before McNesby and somehow we’ll manage to get the job done without them and him.

    Ok you old prune, maybe it's time for you to go to the pasture and take your medication. It isn't for you to decide when we should stop talking about this issue, It's about when you decide to stop reading it, especially If you actually sat down and read all nine pages. It must have taken you a long time following each word with your finger on the screen so take your old, antiquated ways to the retirement home and us grown ups are conducting a conversation. I just love it when some clown comes here and preaches "this is how we use to do it" or "back in the day", well thats great when your at your hunting camp remembering the 3 calls you worked for an entire shift and your beat ran from here to there. This is 2009 and times have changed. We dont write reports for every call, dispatchers dont actually "stamp" cards anymore, only a fool carries a "wheel" gun in uniform anymore and we know your daddy invented fire so save your stories and your complaining for the retirement home.

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